CH 28 Meet the Robinson's

Start from the beginning

Watching his pink cheeks start to become beat red. I quickly turned my body completely away, and let out a deep breath. Noticing the time on the large clock on the wall. Fuck. I haven't even been here for only an hour, and have the rest of the night ahead of me.

"Damn, Alex." I heard Luke's voice, laugh from around the corner. 

I felt immediate relief when I saw his burnt orange hair, as I walked over to him and the guys. 

"What did you get yourself into." He laughed, setting his drink down beside him, on a side table.

"I... may need you to give Jake my number. He did me a huge favor." I said, through my gritted teeth. Gliding a hand through my hair, as guilt started to creep into my stomach. I had never used someone like that before...

"He really did a great job." Luke laughed, as he leaned off against the wall. Walking slightly past me. "You know..." he said, leaning into the side of my face to whisper. "Since your teacher— or should I say neighbor... looks like he's about to loose it."

I felt my heart drop, and my body erupt in chills, as he started to pull away. I quickly grabbed the side of his collared sleeve, and looked up at him with a locked jaw.

I huffed out a sharp breath, and whispered back. "How did you—"

"I put two and two together." He whispered back. Fully leaning away from me now. "It was actually quite easy." He said, in a normal tone, grabbing his drink from the table. "From the first barbecue and how you two have interacted with each other, I could cut the thick, heavy tension with a knife." He said with a smile, only to then take a sip from his drink.

Letting his eyes widened and his eyebrows lift, when he then pulled away from his drink. Letting out one of his breathy laughs.

"I mean." He laughed, "You should have seen the man when he saw you talking to the blonde over there." He said, as I crossed my arms over my chest. Feeling more hostile than humorous.

"That's his girlfriend." I breathed out, steadily. Trying hard to not look back at Christian.

Luke set his drink back down, and extended his large arm. Snaking his hold around my neck as he pulled me in close against him. Leaning into the side of my head, to whisper again.

"Oh X." He laughed, leaning in even closer. "After that little stunt you just pulled, that might not be a problem anymore." He giggled against my ear. Making me let out a laugh as well. "Now, come on... let's get you a drink."

I smiled, as Luke pulled me closer into his chest, as we turned back to face the group of boys. But before I could fully pull away from Luke, Josh grabbed me, and pulled me into a large bear hug.

"There she is!" He said, as he pressed me closer into his large chest.

Causing me to dig the palms of my hands against his torso, only to then have him hold me tighter. "Air!" I exclaimed. Turning my face to the side so I could breathe. "I need... air Josh!" I coughed, out. 

When Josh then released his tight hold around me. Making me stumble back, as I pressed my hand to my chest, taking in a deep breath.

"You're drink malady. Wha— Josh what did you do?" I heard Luke say from behind me.

"I couldn't help it. Plus, X loves my hugs." I heard him exclaim, as he then turned to me. "Don't you X." I heard Josh argue, as I stood up straight. Still inhaling deep breaths of air. 

"Yup." I coughed out. "Love them." I said, raising a hand in defense, when Luke then grabbed it. Forcing a champagne glass into it firmly.

"Drink. We have to survive this and our mothers for a couple of hours, and then we can split." Luke said, grabbing his drink, and taking a large sip.

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