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"CHOI YENAAAAAA" Yuri shouts as she tighten her grip to Yujin and Wonyoung who's holding her hands.

"WHERE IS THAT STUPID DUCK!" Yuri shouts as she was at the emergency room labouring with their child. Yujin and Wonyoung yelps as Yuri tighten the grip.

While the people outside keeps on contacting Yena who's in the meeting.

"Yena is dead meat to Yuri" Hyewon said as she call Yena again. While Eunbi came back with Chaewon.

"Have you contact Yena? Yuri is about to give birth" Hyewon said as she walk towards the two. Chaewon nods.

"She's coming, she said that her phone is in the silent mode because she's in the meeting" Eunbi said and she face palm.

"CHOI YENAAAA" Yuri shouts as she tighten her grip to Wonyoung and Yujin's hands the makes the two kneel and yelp in pain.

"Unnie calm down! Yena unnie is coming" Wonyoung said while she tries to pull out from the grip but Yuri is stronger.

"Yes Yuri Unnie, Wonyoung is right so please calm down" Yujin said as she also tried to make Yuri calm to loosen the grip on their hand.

"YURIIII" Yena shouts as she runs to Chaewon, Hyewon and Eunbi. She runs but she suddenly slip on  the floor that makes her yelp in pain while the three laugh on her.

"Yah! Stop laughing and where's Yuri?" Yena glare to the three who's laughing at her.

"She's inside now, go there now or else Wonyoung and Yujin will lose their hands" Hyewon said while laughing. Yena was about to run again inside but she came back and gave Hyewon a slap on her arms and run inside quickly.

"Yah! You stupid duck!" Hyewon shouts as she holds her arms that was slapped by Yena. Chaewon and Eunbi just chuckles at the two.

"The two of you are still childish" Eunbi face palm.

While Yena who entered where Yuri is saw that Wonyoung and Yujin is also screaming in pain with Yuri because of how tight Yuri's grip is to the two. Yena quickly run to Yuri.

"I'm sorry Joyul, what's happening" Yena holds Yuri's hand but Yuri hold her ear and pinch is hardly. Yena shouts in pain while Yujin and Wonyoung sighed and hold their hands as Yuri finally let go of them.

"Yena unnie you can handle that now" Yujin said as she go outside.

"Yah! Call the doctor she's about to give birth" Yena managed to shouts even though that Yuri is pinching her ears too much.

"Yes Unnie! We will call the doctor" Wonyoung said before she push Yujin to go outside and they call the doctor.

After a while...

"Mrs. Yuri a little more" the doctor said that makes Yuri shout her lungs out. After that Yuri became calm while she also feels weak.

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