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At the hotel...

Yuri is now at the said hotel and she hurriedly go to the room that Yena said.

"Yena!" Yuri shouts as she knocks to the door but no one is opening the door.

Yuri is now sweating as she keep on knocking at the door but no one is answering.

"Ducky! It's me, open this now" Yuri shouts as she keep on knocking.

After that she heard a sound that's opening the door.

"Ducky" Yuri softly said as she saw Yena's eyes being all puffy because of crying too much.

"Joyul" Yena sniff as she hug Yuri and nuzzle to the girls neck.

Yuri hugged Yena back and caress her back, Yena just keep on crying while Yuri just keep the girl on her embrace.

"Let's get inside okay?" Yuri cupped Yena's face and wipe the girls cheeks before they go inside.

When Yuri frowned as she get inside because she saw a lot of can of beer scattered in the floor.

Yena saw Yuri's face so she get close to the girl and hold the girls hand and caress it.

"I didn't drink today, I mean just yesterday because I just wa--" Yena was cut off when Yuri suddenly kiss Yena's lips and hug the girl immediately.

"No need to explain yourself okay? Let's fix things here and talk" Yuri tighten the hugged that makes Yena slightly smile and hug her back.

Yuri cupped Yena's cheek and pinch it.

"Take a shower first okay? You know I love you but your smell is kind a you know" Yuri teasingly smile at Yena and wrap her arms around Yena's neck.

Yena nods and kiss Yuri's nose.

While Yena was taking a shower Yuri clean the room.

"Joyul~~~" After Yena take a bath she back hugged Yuri who's cleaning the dishes now.

Yuri feel that someone is hugging her, she held Yena's hand and caress it. While Yena nuzzle on Yuri's neck.

Yuri felt comfortable at the hugged but after a while she felt her neck getting wet and she heard that Yena is sobbing.

Yuri turn to look at Yena who keeps on crying.

"I feel bad Joyul" Yena hugged Yuri and cry on the girls shoulder.

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