Chapter 47

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Nova was sitting there next to Dean, who was laying in a hospital bed, in a coma. All of a sudden he woke up and looked around, causing Nova to stand up quickly.

"Dean! Don't try to talk, you have a tube down your throat to help you breath. I'm going to go get a nurse." She then rushed out to find a available nurse.

After the nurses got the tube out of Dean's throat they started checking his vitals.

"Where's my brother? Where's Sam?" He asked after the nurse made it where he could be sitting up.

"He went down to get us some coffee. He should be back any time now."

"Oh. How did I end up here?" He asked looking around as the nurse walked out.

"Well, uh, what's the last thing you remember?"

He cleared his throat as he rubbed his hands down his face right as Sam walked in.

"You're awake finally!" He exclaimed as he rushed over.

"He finally woke up a few minutes ago."

"Why didn't you call me?"

"Because I knew you'd be back any minute Sam. I was just asking what the last thing Dean remembered."

"How long was I out?"

"You've been in a coma for the past 5 years." Sam told him as Nova took one of the cups from him.

"What? 5 years? That's not possible, we just defeated Chuck."

"Chuck? Who is Chuck?" Nova raised her eyebrows.

"God, well was until Jack absorbed all his power and became the new God."

"Jack? You talking about my little brother Jack? I mean sometimes he thinks he's God." Nova giggled.

"Your brother? No, Jack is lucifers son, his mom was Kelly. He was a nephilim." Dean shook his head.

Nova looked confused as Sam spoke, "Dean, you must have dreamed all of that in your coma."

"You keep mentioning me being in a coma? How was I in a coma?"

Sam took a deep breath and let it out as Nova explained, "Years ago, you, my mom and your guy's dad were together and ended up in a bad car wreck. Unfortunately they didn't make it but you ended up like this."

"No, that's not possible. I mean yeah we were in a car wreck. But your mom wasn't there. It was Sam, me and our dad. He took a deal with a yellow eyed demon to save my life. We didn't even know you then."

"Dean, sweetie, you must have dreamed that."

"Yeah man, there's no such things as demons."

"That's not true." Dean shook his head, "We save people by hunting those things along with other supernatural beings. You know, saving people, hunting things, the family business."

Nova shook her head with a giggle, "Not exactly, maybe in that dream of yours but out here, Sam and me completed college at Stanford. He's a lawyer now and I run my mom's bar. You and your dad were mechanics until the accident happened."

"So wait, you're telling me, we didn't spend years fighting demons, vampires, werewolves, ghosts, or even angels?"

"No, dude, we did not. All those things are just mythical creatures. We'll there's people that believe in angels and ghosts but that's besides, that's not the point. We don't and never have fought them."

"Son of a bitch." Dean breathed out. "So, uh, have you two been together this whole time?"

Nova grinned as her and Sam held hands, "Yup, remember, we're engaged. We had an engagement party the night of the accident. That's when John and my mom were taking you home because you had way too many. You weren't too happy about them taking you home because you had to leave your baby at the bar."

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