Chapter 36

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They stopped at a restaurant and Sam thought it was about some cattle disappearing that could possibly be monster related. But Dean told him no it was cause of the steak they had as his phone kept going off.

"Damn Dean, you're popular right now." Nova giggled.

"It's uh, just alert thingies, for you know monster stuff."

All of a sudden Sam grabbed Dean's phone and refused to give it back when he demanded it.

"You're on a dating app?" Sam asked after looking at the phone.

"Seriously?" Nova giggled and leaned closer to him to look at the phone.

"Yeah, don't knock it until you try it."

"Nice screenname, Dean." Sam deepens his voice, "Impala67."

"Is that really all you could come up with?" Nova smirked.

"What's wrong with that?" Dean gave her a hard look.

"Nothing." She giggled.

Sam then came across his conversation with someone named Shaylene. Once Dean told them to check out her pic they did.

"She's actually kinda hot." Nova smirked.

"But she seems kinda too available." Sam pointed out.

After talking more about this girl all of a sudden she walked in. Dean smiles at her then looks back at them.

"Wait, we detoured 8 hours so you could get laid?"

"Uh yeah."

Nova bumped her shoulder against Sam's, "Let him have some fun." She just looks at Dean and points at him, "Just be careful, if you know what I mean."

"Oh course I will, I'm not stupid." He smirked the threw down some money telling them lunch was on him and to not wait up.

"Unbelievable." Sam shook his head with a smug look.

"Oh come on, this is a good thing really. It gives us some alone time which we haven't since we got back together."

"I see your point there."

"Plus." She ran her finger down his upper arm, "They say you truly haven't made up until you have sex."

They finished their food, paid then left. As soon as they got to the hotel, Sam sat down and she instantly straddled him and they started kissing. But as soon as they're shirts were off, Sam's phone started ringing.

"Ugh." Nova groaned and looked at his phone, "It's Dean." She decided to answer and put it in speaker, "This better not be a butt dial, I don't want-"

"No its not a butt deal." You could hear the agitation in his voice. "Where's Sam?"

"Right here..did your little booty call turn out to be a bust?"

"Seriously? No, look this wasn't a normal hook-up."

Dean then explained how the girl was forced to do work for a demon to take souls and that he needed Sam's help to get her out of it. Nova decided to stay there while Sam went to where Dean was which happened to be in the same motel.

Later they met up with Nova and told her what was going on and showed her the little hex bag they found so she told them she would look up the symbol on it as Dean drove.

"Before I do this I want to thank you Dean. Sam and me was getting ready to make up." Nova smirked as she started looking into the symbol.

"Thank me? And what do you mean making up, you two already back together."

She just looks up from the laptop at him with a straight face. He glances at her then it dawned on him.

"Oohh, my bad." He chuckled.

"Mhm." She hummed with a smile.

She then told them what she found out about the symbol on the hex bag. And that it was only used by one witch, who created it and that her name was Rowena.

After some searching they finally found where she was located. When they were walking to the room she was at they realized she and two hookers was being escorted by two demons. Dean was able to stab one as one as the other one attacked Sam who got knocked down. Nova surprised him by punching the demon and right as he went to go after her next Dean went up behind him and stabbed him.

Unfortunately they weren't able to get to Rowena quick because she put a spell on one of the ladies who started attacking them so Rowena and the other girl could get away. As Dean went after them Sam and Nova dealt with the girl who was attacking.

When they got outside they seen a guy holding a gun up to Dean.

"Put it down. Sam, put it down!" Dean yelled out and the guy instantly turned around with the gun up, "Cole, it's fine."


"Put it down!" Dean repeated.

Nova pulled down on Sam's arm, "Come on, listen to him baby. Looks like he has it under control."

Sam sighed and put the gun down.

"Cole, hey right here. We're talking okay?" Dean told him to get him to turn back around.

After more talking they were finally able to talk Cole down from him wanting to end Dean's life.

"He say where he's going?" Sam asked once Cole drove away.

"Home." Dean answered.

"So where's Rowena?" Nova questioned.

"In the wind." Dean sighed.

"Thanks to him showing up huh?" Nova motioned with her head towards the direction Cole drove off towards.

Dean nodded, "Pretty much."

"What you said earlier, back there, about being past saving--were you really--"

Dean cut Sam off, "I was just telling the guy what he needed to hear."

Sam nodded and Dean shrugged as they looked at each other.

"Makes sense." Nova shrugged, hoping he was telling the truth.

"We better go." Dean told them and started walking away.

Nova started to walk but noticed Sam hadn't moved so she turned to him, "Baby? You okay?"

It was like he broke out of his thoughts, looked at her and nodded, "Yeah, yeah I'm fine."

"Okay." She hooked one of her arms around his and rubbed his upper arm with her other hand as they started to follow Dean.

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