Chapter 18

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Nova leaned against the doorway watching Dean finish decorating his room.

"Looks pretty awesome in here." Nova looked around as Sam stepped up beside her.

"Wow, not bad."

"Not bad? I haven't had my own room ever so I'm making this awesome. I got my kickass vinyl. I've got this killer mattress." He sits down on it, "Memory foam. It remembers me." He grins.

"They're definitely amazing. Aren't you glad I suggested you boys get new mattresses for this place?"

"Of course, thank you." Sam nodded.

Dean agrees and then stood back up, "And its clean too, there's no funky smell, there's no creepy motel stains."

Sam stuck a piece of gum in his mouth then tossed the wrapper towards the waste basket but it landed on the floor.

"Really?" Dean asked as Nova smirked and smacked the back of her hand on Sam's chest.

Sam threw his hands up in defense, "Sorry." He then went and threw it in the basket.

"I'm going to fix us some grub." With that Dean walked out.

"Who is this?" Nova asked as she went towards a picture on the nightstand, "Is this your guys mom?"

Sam looked at it and nodded with a smile.

"She's really pretty."

"Yes she was." He nodded, "I didn't know he had a picture of her all these years."

"Maybe he kept it in his wallet." She shrugged.

"Probably." He looked around the room then walked out.

Nova and Sam went into the library. Sam decided to dig through some of the books that was there.

Dean walked in and set their plates with burgers in front of them.

"What you guys reading?"

"Sort of, uh, everything."

"He is, I'm reading Stephen King." She held up the book 'Christine'.

"Oh nice." Dean smirked towards her then looks at Sam "Someone's gotta dig through all of this and it ain't gonna be me."

Nova put her book down and looks at her burger, "Dean these look good."

"You made these?"

"We have a real kitchen now."

"I didn't know you could cook."

"And I didn't think he knew what a kitchen was." Sam joked.

"I'm nesting okay? Eat."

Sam and Nova took a bite.

"Huh? Yeah?" Dean grinned.

"Wow." Sam said with food still in his mouth.

"Mm so delicious."

"You're welcome." Dean nodded but right as he went to take a bite his phone rang so he answered it.

It was Kevin wanting them to come quick but didn't say what or why before he hung up.

"Let me drive this way you guys can eat." Nova said as she chomped on her burger on the way out.

"What about you?" Sam asked as they got to the car.

"I'm fine, you guys never get to just relax and eat."

The guys looked at each other, shrugged then Dean tossed his keys to her.

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