Chapter 41

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When Sam found out where Dean was located he decided to go to him. Nova told him it's best for him to go to his brother alone and he agreed. Before he left he said he would keep her updated on what he finds out.

Nova took that opportunity to go see a doctor for a check up while she was by herself without the guys questioning her why she needed to see one.

She found out, what Cass told her was indeed true. She wasn't sure whose baby it was, Sam's or Dean's so she had the doctor check the time frame the baby was conceived. After she found out, she let out a big sigh because after blood tests and then also a ultrasound showed the baby was conceived with Dean. Which when she had slept with him, he was a demon which ultimately meant the baby could also be half demon.

Later that day, after she did some research, she made the hardest decision she probably would ever have to make. She decided, since it was still early, she was going to terminate the pregnancy because she didn't want to take any chances that this baby could be half demon since it was possible for it to happen. Plus she also thought it would be wrong to be carrying a baby from Dean since she was with his brother.


Pretty soon the guys returned to the bunker, Nova had cleaned up the rest of the bunker, but hadn't gotten to the library part but as she walked to it she heard Dean.

"We've got to get ourselves a maid. But you know, one with a-a little uniform but you know one with big uh-"

"Why, when you have me." Nova smirked cutting Dean off, causing both guys to turn around. "Welcome home Dean."

"Hey." He smiles. "But you know it's not the same."

"Why? Cause I don't wear one of those skimpy outfits? Sorry to burst your bubble but this is reality not porn." She laughs as she patted his chest, "So uh, is it truly gone? Are you back to normal?" She lightly grabs his arm and rubs her thumb over the spot where the mark of Cain was.

"Yeah." He nods, pulled his arm back and pulled up his sleeve to show her. "I take it Sam told you?"

"Of course, I was worried and he kept me somewhat updated." She then looks at Sam, "But then someone stopped answering me, and- and I was starting to think something happened to you both." She lightly punched Sam's shoulder.

"Yeah sorry about that."

He started to explain why but then they heard a noise coming from behind the pile of books so they quickly turned around and all three of them slowly went over to see what it was from with their weapons drawn.

They discovered a bloody Cass laying on the floor, he then looks up at them.

"Help me." He weakily said.

They quickly helped him then went to work putting the library back together.

"I hadn't gotten to this room yet when you guys showed up." Nova told them as Dean handcuffed Cass to one of the chairs.

"It's okay." Sam smiled at her.

They then went to work to try to track down Rowena since she was the one who could reverse the spell on Cass. All of a sudden Nova came across a news article about 3 women at a Cafe who were attacked. One was killed, one survived and the 3rd one disappeared after the waiter attacked them. They decided it was worth checking out.

Nova decided not to go with them, figured she would stay at the bunker and keep an eye on Cass while they were searching. But as she went to the bathroom Cass broke free and escaped, which made her feel bad because it was her duty to keep an eye on him and she failed.

So when the boys came back she apologized, "I'm-I'm sorry, I failed keeping him here." She choked out. "I just I stepped away for a moment, I didn't think-"

"You were supposed to stay with him Nova." Dean barked out.

"Dean! She said she was sorry. It's not just her fault, we didn't have him as secured as we thought."

"I'm sorry, I'm a failure okay. Go, go find him." With that she stormed to her and Sam's room.

Later the boys came back with a normal Cass but Rowena escaped them. After she hugged Sam she looked at Dean and started to walk away but he stopped her.

"Nova, wait. " He walks over to her, "I'm sorry for being mad at you, I shouldn't have. But you are not a failure okay? It wasn't your fault he escaped. I shouldn't have blamed you. Please forgive me for that."

She smiles lightly at him, "I forgive you." She then kisses his cheek. "Now, let me go get some ice for that face of yours, looks like someone did a number on you."

"Unfortunately it was me." Cass sighed. "And I'm sorry Dean."

"It's okay, you weren't in your right mind man."

Nova walked into the kitchen then returned with beer and a hand towel tied with some ice in it. She hands the towel to Dean then sits at the table with them.

As she went to take a drink Cass piped up, "Is it safe for you to be drinking that?"

"Why-why wouldn't it be, I'm fine. I'm not sick anymore."

"That's not what I'm meaning." Cass scrunched his eyebrows together, "When you asked for my help, I told you that you were pregnant."

When he said that both guys looked at her surprised while Nova coughed.

"Pre-pregnant?" Sam stuttered.

She sighed as she glared at Cass, "Seriously?!"

"What's he talking about Nova?!"

She looks at Sam, "He's wrong okay? I'm not pregnant!" She ran her hands through her hair then placed her hand on Sam's, "When you left to go find Dean, I went and seen a doctor and it was a false alarm. As it turns out, it was my body reacting from being sick and stressed." She picked up his hand and kissed the back of it, "I promise, but I'm fine. And that's the last of this conversation we're having." She looked at Cass, directing the sentence towards him.

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