Chapter 45

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While the boys were working with Mick Davies, Nova started working to help find Kelly Kline. Once she found some information she decided to get a hold of the boys. She almost started to call Sam but decided to video chat instead.

"Hey baby." She grinned after he answered it.

"Hey." He smiled back.

"Hi Dean-O." She smirked and Sam turned the tablet to face Dean.

"Hi Nova." He chuckled shaking his head.

Sam turned the tablet back as she started talking, "So since the last place anyone saw Kelly was in Idaho I decided to check around. Apparently right after she left someone conveniently burned down a warehouse. I decided to do some more digging." She picked up her phone. "I'm sending you some screenshots of what I found." She sent the message to Sam.

Sam grabbed his phone and pulled them up, "Are those security shots? Oh yeah, there's Kelly going in." He then showed Dean.

Dean glanced over, "Nice work Nova."

"Thank you." She smiled.

"So this chic with her, that Pat Benatar wannabe?"

"She'll never be as cool as Benatar." Nova chuckled.

Sam smirked and then said that it must be the demon Dagon.

"So Kelly and Dagon crash an old warehouse then someone torches the place. Coincidence?"


"Hell no."

Both Sam and Nova spoke at the same time causing Dean to smirk at them.

Dean then asked what they think it all means and Nova told him she's working on it.

Dean nods then smirks, "Well go get them Nova."

"That's the plan." She told him and he gave her a thumbs up.

Sam then turned the camera back on himself.

"Bye Sam, I love you." She blew him a kiss.

"I love you too, bye." He blew one back at her.

They then ended the video chat.


Nova was at the bunker when the guys showed up and she grinned seeing them since it had been a month since she last seen them in person.

"Hey you two." She grinned up at them.

"Hey." They both said.

Sam and Nova then hugged and kissed each other.

"Didn't give up did you?" Dean joked.

"Did you give up alcohol and pie?" Nova giggled.

"Never." He smirked.

Nova patted him on the chest, "And that's my answer to your question."

"Awesome." He then walked away to call Cass.

Sam and Nova sat down at the table, "So when I took those screen shots from the warehouse I also got into the traffic light cameras in the vicinity and ran the plates. Most of them were local except for one. It was registered to a Dermott Culp."

"Okay?" Sam questioned as Dean walked back over to them.

"Well I found out he went missing a year ago." She then went on to say how it was caught on camera him carrying a body out and that she found out he was a demon who works for Dagon covering Kelly's tracks.

"So do you know where Kelly is now?"

"No, but before I stabbed Dermott, in the heart, I got a phone number."

"Nice." Dean smirked.

"Mhm." Nova grinned nodding and pulls the paper out of her pocket then slides it to Sam.


They decided to trick Kelly into meeting with them. But as they were standing there talking Dagon showed up to take Kelly back with her. Dean, Mick, and his associate, Remy, tried shooting her but with no luck because she sent them flying.

Nova crawled to the Colt, stood up and right as she pulled the trigger Dagon and Kelly disappeared causing her to shoot Remy instead. She just stood there in shock over what she accidentally did. Mick leaned down to Remy and sighed.

"I'm-Im sorry I didn't mean to. I was shooting at the demon." She stuttered as Sam came to her.

All of a sudden Mick stood up, pulling his gun out and aiming it at her.

"Hey, Woah what are you doing?" Dean put his hand out. "It was an accident." Both the guys stood in front of Nova.

"I'm sorry." She said as tears went down her cheeks.

"She killed a man of letters. She has to die."

"It was an accident." Sam defended.

"It doesn't matter. We have a code."

"No, hey, screw the code. She's our family."

"Don't make this harder than what it already is."

"Mick, you don't have to do this." Dean pulled his gun and aimed it at Mick.

"Yes I do! "

"Please." Nova pleaded. "Don't."

After Sam pleaded with Mick he finally got through to him and Mick exhaled then told them to go so they walked away relieved.

When they got back to the bunker they could tell Nova was upset.

"You okay?" Dean questioned.

Nova started to nod but then shook her head with tears in her eyes, "No, how can I be? I just killed an innocent person. I've-Ive."

"Hey." Sam leaned against the table and pulled her into his arms, "It was a mistake."

As she wrapped her arms around him he rubbed his hand down her hair and rest his chin ontop of her head. She tried to stay brave but her emotions got the best of her and she started crying.

After a few minutes she sniffled as she pulled away from Sam, "I'm sorry for breaking down."

"Hey hey, no, you don't have to be sorry. You have every right to be upset." Dean told her, "It's normal to be upset."

"He right."

Dean hands her a cup, "Here, drink this, it helps."

"Just cause it helps you doesn't mean it will for me. I'm not an alcoholic like you are Dean." She snapped then sighed, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap at you."

Dean set the glass down and rubs her upper arms, "It's okay, I get it, you are upset so it's understandable."

She nods then picks up the glass and downs the drink in one gulp, "You know this only numbs the pain even though it tastes so good."

"It does taste so good." Dean took a drink from his own cup.

Nova drank another cup then went and laid down with Sam joining her.

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