Chapter 5

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Sam, Dean and Nova went into an apartment to find blood splattered everywhere and a couple dead bodies covered up.

"Son of bitch." Nova scrunched up her nose.

As Sam checked the body,  Dean and Nova checked the rest of the place but it was clear.

Nova noticed a partially opened laptop with a sticky note that said 'Play me' on it so she pointed, "Uh guys look at that."

They went over and Dean opened up the laptop more then tapped the play button. The guys sat in the chairs and Nova started to lean on the floor but decided to sit on Sam's knee instead.

When it came to two of the kids, Kate and Michael, being a typical young couple in front of their friend, Brian, Nova patted Dean's shoulder.

"Awe Dean, that's like you when me and Sam are hugging and kissing huh?" She giggled.

"Yeah, yeah shut it."

They continued to watch then when they came across a crime scene, the video showed the guys pulling up.

"Baby! Hey wait, that's you guys."

"What the hell?" Dean said lowly.

"Look, look, look. Starsky and Hutch." Brian laughed.

"Rizzoli and Isles." Michael laughed.

"Nah y'all are more like Booth and Bones."

Dean paused the video, "Who?"

"It's from the crime show Bones, they were the main characters. You would be Seeley Booth and Sam would be bones. In fact you're exactly like him." When she said that Sam smirked.

"How so?" Dean raised an eyebrow.

"Because just like him you're charming, funny sometimes but ultimately warm and caring when you need to be. And like him socially at ease with people and also." She smirks and continued "Sexually confident with women.

Dean grinned, "Well he sounds like an awesome guy then."

"So how am I like bones?"

"Because somebody has to be her and you have this in common with her." She said messing with Sam's hair which caused Dean to snort out a laugh.

They then went back to playing the video. It then showed them again, this time Michael mentioning a work place romance between Sam and Dean.

"Why do people always think y'all are together like that." Nova shuttered.

Dean started to say something but they focused on the video when Michael looked to be getting attacked by something growling.

"I think we need to stop talking about cases in public now." Nova rolled her eyes as the camera showed the three of them sitting in a restaurant eating and doing research.

"Sounds like a wise decision." Sam agreed.

When the video ended they all just say there a moment and sighed.

"So, uh." Dean gets up as he clears his throat.

"She's right, she didn't choose this. She was forced to be that way." Nova stood up too.

"Yeah but doesn't change who she is." Sam shrugged as he also stood.

Dean lifted the sheet, "This is Michael which means that is-"

"Brian Wilcox, our friendly neighborhood cameraman."


"Alright so." Sam looked at his watch, "What, she's got about a half day jump on us?"

"Mhmm." Dean nodded as he stared off into space.

"Dean? You all right?" Nova questioned.

"Mhmm." Dean nodded again.

"Katie's right. She hasn't hurt anybody. Well anybody human at least."

"No she didn't. Like Nova mentioned, she didn't choose this. Let's give her a shot."

"Seriously?" Sam looked between Nova and Dean.


"And look, if Katie pops back up. I mean, if she stays then no questions asked. We do what we got to do. And um, we take her down." As Sam is talking he unhooks the laptop on the desk.

"Sounds good to me." Nova shrugs.

"Hey Sam?" Dean sighs, "Do I really say awesome a lot?"

"No, no no no." Sam shakes his head and walks out.

Nova pats Dean's shoulder as she smirks quietly, "Yes, you really do."

"Hm." He shrugs with a smirk then they join Sam at the door.

Dean clears his throat and looks at a picture of Katie, "Awesome."

Sam and Nova chuckle looking at each other than walked out the door. Dean started to but stopped and put the ipod back into the speaker than joined them outside.

"You know I'm surprised at you two. This past year has definitely changed you both that's for sure."

"How do you figure?" Sam asked as he opened Novas door.

"Well I mean, the fact that you know there's a monster out there and y'all not chasing her down to kill her. Granted she hasn't killed any humans yet but still doesn't change the fact that she's still a monster."

"Yes but why waste resources trying to find her. You heard her and you even mentioned that she didn't choose this."

"True." She smiles and kisses him then gets into the car.

After the guys gets in, Dean starts driving.

"We should do something fun tonight."

Sam turns in his seat to look at her, "But we need to Crack down and find Kevin and the tablet before it's too late."

Nova sighs, "But obviously he doesn't want to be found. Hence why he disappeared. And we need to celebrate."

"Celebrate what?" Dean asked as he glanced back at her through the rearview mirror.

"Duh, the fact we got you back. The fact you survived that... that place. And you've been so tensed since you got back that it would do you some good to let loose."

When she said that Sam smirked and looked at his brother with a shrug of one shoulder.

Dean rolled his eyes with a small smile, "Trust me, I'm good.  Plus as Sam said we need to find Kevin and the tablet. We're on a time crunch."

"Fine." Nova sighs crossed her arms and looked out the window.

Sam reached back patted her hands, "We'll celebrate after we find them okay?"

"Yeah, okay." She looked at him, gave him a crooked smile then looked back out the window.

Sam sighed and faced the front again.

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