chapter 29

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Hi my luvs! It's been soooooo long since I last updated and I've missed you immensely! :) So how's life been lately? I would absolutely love to hear all about it!

I hope you enjoy reading this chapter! <3


"What the actual fuck!?" A surprised voice startles them both. Louis quickly jumps off the counter, fixing his shirt. He stands besides Harry, their hands brushing against each other.

"I thought you were on a date?" Louis says, his face scrunching up. That's the only thing he could come up with.

"Wow Louis that's the first thing you have to say to me?" Liam says flustered, his voice sounding angrier by the minute.

"Liam I-" Harry jumps in.

"Don't even start!" Liam cuts him off. "That's my brother you asshole! He's off limits."

"What do you mean off limits?" Harry lets out a dry chuckle.

"He's my fucking brother! Harry you've betrayed me." Louis flinches at Liam's infuriated tone. He didn't expect for Liam to be this upset. 

"Liam at least give me a chance to explain-" Harry tries but Liam's already had enough.

"What is there left to explain Harry!?" Liam yells, "You were clearly too occupied with my brother!" 

"And there's nothing wrong with it!" Harry defends them.

"I can't fucking believe you!"

"Liam I don't see why you're getting worked up over this. There's nothing wrong with me being in love with Louis!" Harry says, his patience slipping as the seconds pass.

"Except there is!"

"And what might that be?" Harry nudges his head. "Liam you're making a fucking mountain out of a molehill!" He yells matching Liam's tone while Louis is left standing at the side, silently listening to them as they rip their vocal chords out.

"Please just stop yelling." Louis speaks in a timid voice but neither of them seem to pay any head to it. It's as if they've forgotten Louis' in the room.

"Well for starters, as I already said, he's my brother and you out of all people should know that he was never for you to fall in love with!" 

"Oh I'm sorry Liam I fell in love with your brother! It's not like I was in charge of my feelings." Harry says, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Goddammit Harry, you literally are in charge of what you feel towards people! And even if you do love Louis, you should have just kept it inside your pants rather than banging him!"

"What the fuck are you talking about!? We've only just kissed a couple of times, that's it!"

"How long have you two been going behind my back?" Liam asks after a few seconds of silence with one of his hand resting on the counter while the other hangs by his side and his head held low.

"About a week now?" Harry says with a little bit of uncertainty in his voice.

Liam stays silent for a moment, his eyes burning holes in Harry's head. "Just go." He says in a calm voice. To call it scary would be an understatement. Even Harry is a little terrified.

"I think we should all just take a deep breath and-" 

"Harry for fuck's sake, just go!" 

"Liam I'm sorry but I can't control who I love!"

"You can! By staying within your fucking limit but congratulations Harold you crossed it!" Liam claps his hands together as he looks at Harry like he's some insane person.

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