chapter 15

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"Louis, come out please. You can't just stay in there forever." Harry gently knocks on Louis' door.

"I don't wanna listen to any of you. Just go away!" Louis says annoyed.

"It's just one visit Louis. Nobody's forcing you to go there again if you don't want to. But atleast give it a shot before turning it down." Liam says.

"Oh my god! How many times have I got to repeat the same thing for you to understand it!? I told you I'm not gonna go talk to a random stranger about my life and shit."

"But she's really looking for to meeting you." Zayn says.

"I said I don't wanna see her!" Louis yells from the other side of the door, clutching the pillow in his hand harder.

Liam takes in a deep breath and goes downstairs, Zayn and Harry following him suit.

"Has he been in there since breakfast?" Zayn asks.

"Yeah, he won't come out."

"I think it's best if we let him be, let him take his time and then try again." Harry pipes in.

"I've had enough for this day." Liam says angrily, his hands forming into fists as he goes upstairs to Louis' room.

"If you want to stay in there, fine! Don't come out then. But I'm telling you that you will go to see that therapist and you're starting school next week."

"Wha- No! You can't do that and I'm not going to school or seeing a therapist! Can't you see I'm fine!?"

"Don't give me that bullshit Louis! You're clearly not and I think we both know that. You won't eat your food and you won't sleep till late. That's not normal."


"I don't wanna hear another thing!" Liam says with finality in his voice. Zayn has honestly never seen this side of Liam before and it's kind of scary.

"Liam, babe you didn't have to do that." Zayn says trying to cool Liam's anger down.

"Yeah I don't think that was a good idea Li. He already has a lot on his plate." Harry says.

"And you think I don't!? I lost my mother too! I have a minor to take care off, a company to run and a million other things but since all you care about is Louis, you can go kiss his ass." Harry is taken aback by Liam's words. He's never been like that.

"Liam where is this coming from?" Zayn asks serious.

"I can't do this anymore! I know I'm supposed to be the responsible older brother but I can't keep being that when I'm breaking inside too. It's difficult not having mum around to constantly ask advise for." Liam says frustrated.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Zayn asks.

"You know you can always talk to either of us anytime you want and we'll be there, no matter what." Harry tells him.

"But I'm supposed to be the level headed, always knowing what to do kind of person."

"You don't have to be every day." Harry says. "And as far as Louis is concerned, he's always been the more sensitive and emotional one. You on the other hand, have always been good with dealing your emotions in a healthy manner. But there's nothing wrong with letting lose once in a while."

"Yeah, he's right Liam. We'll always be there to catch you if you fall." Zayn tells Liam, gently caressing his cheek.

"Was I too harsh on him?" Liam asks finally coming back to his senses.

"Yeah, a little." Zayn says.


It has been an emotional rollercoaster ride for the past week for Louis. He has slept like shit and he's dreading the fact that he has to go back to school from tomorrow and he hates Liam for that. He cannot sleep well because every time he does, he has the same recurring nightmare and it's starting to effect his normal life, if there was one to begin with.

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