chapter 26

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Everything has gone back to normal, with regards to some aspects at least. Liam and Zayn are back. Things are going okay at school. He still feels a little uneasy whenever he passes by Elliott's locker. Not that Elliott's dead but its the one place they hung out the most, in between classes or waiting for each other. The nightmares are not occurring as often as they did which Louis is so grateful for. 

It's finally the weekend and a thing that's been nagging Louis lately is Harry. Not Harry but the attraction that he feels towards him. It has been spiraling on Louis' mind forever, since after they shared their first kiss. But he was so distracted by the other million things that were happening in his life that he had forgotten about it momentarily.

However, for the past three weeks, after Harry told Louis that he loves him, the only thing that seems to be on Louis' mind is Harry and the utter sincerity with how he said those words. There's definitely a connection between the two of them but Louis doesn't know if he should act upon those feelings and tell harry something he doesn't really mean and later regret it.

And the fact they're having dinner at Harry's house tonight just adds on to the pressure of this whole thing.

Louis unlocks his phone and logs onto instagram. He scrolls through his feed, liking a few pictures and videos until his eyes meet a picture that Harry posted a few days ago and damn he looks good. Louis clicks on Harry's profile and scrolls through his posts. He might've even drooled a bit from how long he's been staring at those pictures.

Louis doesn't even realise it when he accidentally likes a post from 2017 and when he does, its already too late.

"Shit, shit, shit!" He panics and throws his phone across the room. It lands on the beanbag and Louis practically sprints to it to unlike the post like his life depends on it but even if he does, Harry's still going to get a notification. Why is he so stupid!?

Why did he have to stalk his profile!?

That thought though goes away the second Louis' eyes land on a picture of Harry sitting on a pool chair with just a towel wrapped around his waist. Why would he even post something like that? But of course when you're Harry, you can pull off literally anything. And Louis' not complaining either.

He really needs to get his head back together but how could he when he's getting turned on by just looking at a picture of the one person he's not supposed to have feelings for!?



Louis' really starting to think if Harry has psychic abilities or not.

Louis fumbles to the door with the phone in his hand. He opens the door to reveal a half naked Harry with a towel wrapped around his waist. Talk about manifestation, even though Louis wasn't manifesting Harry like this but his eyes sure aren't complaining.

"What do you want?" Louis asks flustered. He quickly closes his mouth when he realises it's been open for a little too long.

"Wanna hang out in the hot tub?" Harry asks casually, running a hand through his wet hair.

"What for?" Louis asks blinking away the lust in his eyes.

"Nothing special, just wanted to spend some time with you." Harry says with his lips curling upwards in a slight smirk. "Unless you want it to be something special."

"I- uh.." Louis finds himself stuttering and makes a mental note to slap himself afterwards. "I- um.. I'll be um- yeah sure!" He finally gets out.

"Alright. I'll wait for you in the hot tub then." Harry winks before running away.

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