chapter 7

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"Louis! Please save me."

"Why are you leaving me? Do you want me to die Lou?"

"Baby I thought you would save me."



"Bud, I need you to wake up."

"Lou, please wake up. Come on. Don't do this."

Suddenly, Louis jolts awake to multiple voices. He's scared and sweaty and he doesn't know where he is. He wants his mum.

"Mum, I want my mum. Where is she?" Louis asks. But when he speaks, he feels like his throat is on fire and breaks into a coughing fit.

"It's alright. You're ok." He hears a familiar voice and feels a hand rubbing his back gently, soothing him.

"Liam?" Louis says making an effort to look up. A sudden wave of nausea hits him and he's about to throw up. Thankfully, the nurse quickly whips out a paper bag lying on the side table and places it in front of Louis' face.

After Louis is done, the nurse cleans his face and helps him lay back down comfortably and goes to stand beside the doctor, whom Louis just noticed.

He takes note of the people in the room. Harry and Zayn are standing on the right side of the bed while Liam is on his left side, standing close to him. But he cannot see his mother and that's when it hits him. The accident. The screams and cries. His eyes widen with fear and his throat dries up. He looks to Liam, who swipes his fringe off his forehead, giving him a comforting smile which doesn't seem to reach his eyes.

"Where is mum? Is she okay?" Louis asks with great effort. It hurts to even speak, it's like his throat is on fire.

"Are you feeling alright?" Liam asks instead, dismissing Louis' previous question.

Before Louis can speak, the doctor interrupts them, "Louis, bud you gave everyone a scare."

"What happened?" Louis asks, his voice a little hoarse.

"You were out for two days and then your heart rate just increased suddenly and then dropped and we had to perform a CPR on you." The doctor tries to put it in the gentlest way possible in order to not freak Louis out.

Louis spaces out for a moment before Liam snaps him back into reality.

"Lou, you alright?"

"I don't know." Louis says just above a whisper. "You didn't tell me about mum. How is she? Is she alright?"

Liam's face suddenly goes pale and he doesn't know what to say or do.

"Louis, you got something in your hair babes. Lemme get it out for you." Zayn interrupts. Liam is thankful and sighs a discreet breath of relief.

The doctor then checks Louis' drip and his vitals, including other things before concluding that Louis is okay.

"Well Louis, I'm happy to say that you're okay. But we're going to keep you here for the night just to make sure everything's alright." The doctor tells him.

Louis simply nods before yawning. Harry cannot hide the fond that covers his face because of how cute Louis looks and he pretends to wipe his mouth on his arm to hide his fond. Louis looks like a very sleepy kitten. Zayn however saw this and smiles to himself. He knew something was up.

"Rest up Louis. You need as much as rest as possible. I'll come back in the morning to check up on you. Also, it's best if you leave, only one of you may stay. The rest can visit again tomorrow." The doctor smiles before leaving the room.

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