chapter 19

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After a few minutes of debating, Harry finally convinced Elliott to go home and get some rest.

An hour or a two later, the doctor finally comes out. To Harry's surprise it's Ethan, but he's grateful that Ethan's the one taking care of Louis.

"Ethan please tell me he's alright." Harry springs up from his seat, impatiently waiting for Ethan to say something.

"Yeah, he's alright. Fortunately, the stab wasn't too deep. But we're gonna keep him under observation for a day, just to check if there's any infection or something of that sort." Ethan pats Harry's shoulder.

"Can I see him?" Harry asks.

"Sure, but try not to make much noise." Ethan says. "Harry, since neither Liam not Zayn are here, I wanted to talk to you about something."

"I'm sure it can wait." Harry says as politely as he can.

"It's about Louis." He says. Harry's all ears as he stands outside the door, his eyebrows forming into a crease.

"But you said he's alright."

"I did but there's something else." Ethan starts, his voice sounding clearly worried. "Louis' severely underweight and that's not a good thing, especially now that he's hurt more than once."

"But I don't understand." Harry shakes his head. Louis' told him multiple times that he eats lunch at school with Niall. Liam and Zayn make sure that he eats dinner but what he doesn't know though is the fact that Louis throws up almost every night because he can't keep the food down.

"Does he eat all three meals? If you know of course." Ethan asks further.

"Apart from breakfast I think. He hates eating breakfast and he eats lunch at school with Niall."

Ethan nods, "When are Liam and Zayn gonna be here?"

"It'll take them about a week, if not less."

"Did you tell them?"

"No. Liam will freak out. It's his first time away from home after a very long time and I think he deserves it."

"But someone's gotta stay with Louis."

"I am. He's staying with me." Harry says in a heartbeat.

"I'm glad Louis has you in his life." Ethan smiles.

Harry nods and finally goes inside the room. He slowly makes his way towards the bed and sits on a stool beside Louis.

"Lou, why do you have to scare me like that." He whispers, holding Louis' hand in his large one, gently caressing it.

Louis flickers his eyes open, taking a deep breath in. 

"Haz?" He asks, his voice coming out cracked.

"Yeah, it's me. How are you feeling Lou?" Harry asks him

"I don't feel anything." 

"It must be the medicines. Don't worry, you'll be fine. I'm here." Harry tells him. "Can I ask you a question if that's alright with you?" Harry really wants to know Louis' eating habits but is not sure of it's the right time to pick this topic and so he leaves it for now.

Louis nods his head at Harry, telling him to continue.

"Do you remember what happened?" He asks, careful not to trigger Louis.

"N- not really. I remember Jason. H- he said that- that it was m- my faul- fault." Louis says, his heart rate rising.

"Hey, relax now. He's not here. I'm never gonna let him hurt you. I'm never gonna let anyone hurt you now. You're safe. I'm here now." Harry assures him, tucking a piece of hair behind Louis' ear.

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