chapter 20

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"Guess it took a trip to the bathroom to figure out my love for you." Harry smiles to himself, caressing Louis' cheek.

Louis stirs in his sleep, a small smile apparent on his face. Harry wonders if Louis heard what he was saying and panics but then calms himself, knowing once Louis goes to sleep, not even a war breaking outside can wake him up.

The next day, when Louis wakes up, he feels a weight on his left shoulder. He turns his head around to see a mop of curls and without even realising it, he takes a whiff and lightly kisses the top of Harry's head.

"Good morning Louis!" A cheerful voice wakes Harry up from his slumber. 

"Elliott, hey." Louis greets him, rubbing his eyes to rid himself of the sleep left.

"How are you feeling?" Elliott kisses Louis' cheek, handing him a bouquet of flowers, completely ignoring Harry's existence in the room.

Harry clears his throat, making them aware he's still in the room. He gets up from the stool he was sitting on before, eyeing Elliott up and down.

"I'm gonna go get some coffee." Harry says in that deep morning voice of his and Louis finds himself trying to control his breathing. What is he even thinking. He likes Elliott, not Harry. He likes Harry but not the same way he likes Elliott. Louis' just confusing himself now and awkwardly nods at Harry.

"I've got a good news." Elliott smiles.

"And that is?" Louis lingers on.

"Jason was taken to a rehabilitation program last night." 

"Oh." Louis says. He's not completely in the right mood to talk about Jason. Half the reason being Harry. He still cannot believe he was going to pleasure himself last night to Harry moaning in his sleep. But of course he's not going to tell Elliott that because Louis' relationship with him is going good and he wouldn't want Harry to jeopardize it.

"I also wanted to talk to you about another thing if that's alright." Elliott says, sounding a bit nervous.

"Go ahead." Louis nods at him.

"Well, this isn't exactly how I thought it to be but would you like to be my boyfriend?" Elliott asks holding out the bouquet of flowers in his hand.

"Elliott- I-" Louis breathes out, not sure how to react. He likes Elliott, he really does but does he really want to be in a relationship with him?

"Louis I understand if you don't want it. I mean I know its still fairly early for us but I really like you and I wanna be your boyfriend and be able to take care of you. Will you let me?" Elliott asks with a lot of hope shining in his eyes.

Louis tries to look anywhere but at Elliott. His gaze travels to the door where Harry is leaning against, a cup of coffee in his hand. He quickly turns his gaze back to look at Elliott, giving him a smile.

"I would really like you to be my boyfriend." He says timidly.

"You have no idea how happy I am." Elliott grins and goes to give Louis a kiss but Louis moves back.

"Uhm, hospital breath." Louis says, his eyes crinkling by the side as he speaks.

"I don't care." Elliott says and pecks Louis' lips.

Right that second, Harry walks in and accidently spills his hot coffee all over Elliott's shirt.

"Aggh." Elliott hisses at the burn it causes.

"Oh my god Elliott! I'm so sorry. I think they have extra shirts in the bathroom. You should probably go change." Harry says, his voice filled with fake concern.

oops! (L.S)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora