chapter 18

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That night Louis couldn't sleep because of the fluttering feeling in his stomach that didn't seem to go away. On the other hand, Harry's still pissed at himself for lying to Louis about Elliott.

The next week was probably the best week in Louis' entire life. He and Elliott got to know each other so much better. They even went on an icecream date though none of them has talked about their feelings with the other. It's pretty obvious though by the way they look at each other.

With Elliott, it just clicked. Louis felt like he knew him his entire life even though it's just been two weeks since they first met.

The whole weekend, Louis couldn't wait for it to end so that he can see Elliott.

So, the next morning when he wakes up, Louis is more than excited to meet Elliott and gets ready for school an hour early.

"Someone's up early today." Liam states as he walks in the kitchen to make Zayn and himself some tea.

"Liam I was thinking if maybe I could walk to school today?" Louis asks not sure if Liam will permit him.

"Are you sure?" Liam ask keeping the tea kettle on the stove.

Louis nods his head yes as he impatiently waits for Liam to reply.

"I guess you can but be careful. Keep your phone on yourself the entire time and text me when you reach school."

"Sure will dad." Louis rolls his eyes at Liam and makes his way towards the front door.

"Louis wait up." Liam calls after him.


"Aren't you gonna have breakfast?"

"Are you serious!?" Louis groans.

"Yes, I am." Liam says sternly. "Now sit your butt down on the dining table and I'll bring you some cereal."

Louis unwillingly sits back down. He's in a good mood and he's not going to ruin it because of Liam's stupid demand. He just have to take a few bites and get it over with. That's easy. At least, he hopes it is.

"There's one more thing I wanted to talk to you about." Liam says pouring the milk into the bowl.

"Go ahead." Louis nods.

"There's an important business meeting that has come up and me and Zayn will have to be there to do the formalities and stuff, you know?" He lingers on.

"Oh ok. Where's the meeting at?" Louis asks.

"Germany." Liam answers.

"Uhh okay. But for how many days though?"

"For about a week." Liam says sounding guilty. "Look, Lou I really wasn't planning on going but it's kind of important and they need me there. I'm really sorry. I wanted to spend more time with you before I went to work for real." He adds.

"Li that's what I've been telling you. You don't have to pause your life for me. And I think you should really go. It's gonna relieve some of your stress and you'll feel much better when you go out. If you're worrying about me, don't. I'll be fine." Louis assures Liam.

"The flight's today at 9." Liam tells him.

Louis' a little surprised that Liam didn't tell him about this earlier but he's not complaining.

"We got the ticket confirmation last night when you were asleep so we didn't have any other option. It just happened so fast, the meeting and everything. I'm truly sorry Lou."

"Don't ever apologize for your work. I know it's important. You should go." Louis says with a small smile.

"Yeah ok. Here you go. Eat up." Liam nudges the bowl of cereal close to Louis.

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