chapter 12

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By the time they reach home, Louis' already fallen asleep on Harry's shoulder.

"Lou we're home." Liam gently wakes Louis up, who opens his eyes for a brief second and then falls back asleep.

"Don't worry, I'll carry him inside." Harry chuckles and picks Louis up.

Inside, Zayn, Niall and Perry have arranged a little 'welcome back home party' for Louis. They're all so happy that Louis' finally back home. There are balloons everywhere and hidden amongst them is a welcome home sign.


"Shhh, he's sleeping." Harry cuts them before they get too loud and wake Louis up. He takes Louis upstairs to his room and lays him on the bed and pulls the soft covers over him. Louis looks so adorable cocooned inside the blanket and Harry can't resist himself from taking a picture of him.

After tucking Louis in, Harry goes back downstairs and finds everyone sitting on the couch together, laughing and chatting away.

"What are we all talking about?" Harry asks, getting himself a glass of wine from the table.

"Just some random stuff." Niall says.

"Aren't you underage to be drinking that?" Harry points to the drink in Niall's hand.

"Oh no, it's just coke." Niall laughs.

"It was a pleasure meeting you all after a long time, but I've gotta go now. I'll come by later to meet Louis." Perry informs them.

"Sure, swing by anytime. Oh and thanks for bringing the pizza. Louis will love it." Zayn tells her.

"No problem boss." Perrie smiles and takes her stuff before making her way to the front door.

"He's asleep?" Liam asks.

"Yup, out like a light." Harry tells him.

"What did the doctor say?" Niall wonders.

"His injuries have still not fully healed so he'll have to be careful and Ethan's prescribed some painkillers." Liam says.

"What about school?"

"I'm thinking it's probably best if he stays home for a couple of days before starting. I'm sure the teachers will understand. In fact I actually put in a word with Mr. Tyler this morning and he said he was fine with it."

"Louis got discharged sooner?" Harry asks. He did not see Liam talk to or message anyone since he got to the hospital earlier this morning. So, Liam must've spoken to Mr. Tyler, Louis' teacher before he reached the hospital.

"It's no big deal. Louis wasn't happy staying there, so I asked Ethan if it would be okay for him to discharge Louis before time and he gave the green light." Liam explains.

"It's a hospital Liam. Of course, Louis' not gonna be happy, no one would." Zayn tells him. "But it's important for him to recover fully. What if god forbid something happens, then?"

"Zayn I think its going to be fine. You're overthinking it. And do you really think I would ever do something that is against Louis' best interest?''

''Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm just worried.'' Zayn says sipping on the glass of wine in his hand.

''I'll get going now. It's getting late.'' Niall tells them.

''Drive safe.'' 

''Thanks for the concern Liam. See you guys later.'' Niall smiles.

There's a silence that surrounds the three of the them after Niall leaves. The only sound that can be heard is that of Niall's car leaving the driveway.

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