chapter 3

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The rest of the school day goes by pretty fast and Louis is grateful because one, Jason didn't bother him after the accident and two, he's finally going to go home and sleep for a year.

"Louis!" He hears someone calling him and whips his head towards the direction of that voice. He is surprised once he sees who it is.

"Harry?" Louis makes his way towards Harry's shiny rover. He wasn't expecting Harry to pick him up, seeing as yesterday Liam told him that he'll pick him up from school.

"What the fuck happened to your face!?" Harry almost yells.

"I thought Liam was supposed to pick me up." Louis wonders completely ignoring Harry's comment.

"Wha- Louis are you ok?"

"Um yeah?" Louis says awkwardly.

"Where did you get that big ass bruise from?" Harry asks again, worry coating his voice.

"Nothing, it was just an accident." Louis tries to dismiss the topic.

"What accident?" He just wishes Harry would stop asking him about the bruise.

"Oh my god, I told you it was nothing! You don't have to worry so much." Louis says getting in the passenger's seat, clearly annoyed.

"Did someone hurt you?" Harry suddenly says, looking him straight in the eyes.

"" Shit, now he's definitely gonna know and once he knows, he'll tell Liam and then they'll probably come up with a plan to finish Jason off.

"Who was it?" How the fuck can Harry see so clearly, right through him, Louis wonders.

"Ugggh, I told you it was a fucking accident! I was walking and I was scrolling through my phone, so I didn't see the huge metal handle of the theatre class door and walked into it. There! Are you happy now?"

"First of all, language. And second of all, do they even allow a phone in class."

"You've probably been out of school for a long time." Louis rolls his eyes.

"Yeah whatever." Harry shakes his head.

They start driving and Louis steals a few glances every now and then of Harry and his strong muscular arms, and how sexy he looks in that button up with the top few buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Louis thinks that he's staring a little too long, but his eyes won't allow him to look anywhere other than the man who's currently driving.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." Harry says trying to hide his fond and not to laugh at the same time.

On the other hand, Louis feels like a deer caught in headlights and thinks this is probably the most embarassing and humiliating thing. His cheeks turn a bright shade of pink and he's suddenly feeling a lot hotter.

"I don't need to but I think you probably should, of me, don't want you missing me when I'm not around." Louis tries to sound chill and nonchalant and hopes his sentence made sense, when in reality his brain is not functioning properly at the time.

"I think I probably should." Harry smiles, his dimple showing and Louis just wants to reach and kiss it. Wait, what did he just think!? Harry's probably just joking and it's not that deep anyways but Louis really wants to know what it would feel like to kiss those plump cherry lips of his. This is illegal, he probably shouldn't be thinking of it, but he can't stop thinking about it either.

"Lou are you hungry? Wanna eat something?" Harry asks entering a McDonald's driveway after a few minutes.

"No thanks, I'm not really hungry." Louis tells him.

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