Ch 46 [Rematch]

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[Art is not mine]

Gilberda's P.O.V

It's not fair, that man has now not only slept with Mera-Sama but he's also slept with Taeko-San, i think this is all just some big goal he's trying to accomplish, his goal is to use false love as a way to manipulate them then he'll kill us all to prove some point and i'm not letting that happen. I was going to speak with Cassandra to see if she could help me in this fight, since he must've cheated last time i was going to need someone to watch the fight and call him out when she cheat's again.

Gilberda:"Cassandra, i need to talk to you."

Cassandra:"Hm, what is it?"

Gilberda:"I'm going to challenge that man to a fight and i need you to watch over us and call him out when he cheat's."

Cassandra:"Is this just because you lost the fight last time?"

Gilberda:"No, he's been using some sort of seduction to sleep with the other's. He's already tainted Mera-Sama and he just did it to Taeko-San last night, we can't let him do this amymore he has to face retribution for his action's."

Cassandra:"Hm, alright. I'll spectate and call him out if he's cheating, but i will not interupt so the fight remain's fair."


-That's right, the fight has to be fair

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-That's right, the fight has to be fair. I knew i could count on you."

We walked out into the main yard where that Tatsumi guy was trying to leave, i wasn't gonna let that happen. I got infront of him and put my hand infront of the door preventing him from leaving.

Tatsumi:"I think i know why you're stopping me, you're looking for a fight, aren't you?"

Gilberda:"I'm bringing true justice to you, you may have tainted Mera-Sama and Taeko-San but you won't corrupt me you monster."

Tatsumi:"*Sigh* Here we go again."

We both walked to the center of the yard and waited for Cassandra to give us the okay.

We both walked to the center of the yard and waited for Cassandra to give us the okay

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Gilberda:"I'm gonna enjoy this.-

-Let's see how much longer you last this time if at all

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-Let's see how much longer you last this time if at all."

Tatsumi:"Don't hold back, however i will."

Cassandra:"Prepare yourselves,-

Cassandra:"Prepare yourselves,-

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I ran toward's him with my fist balled up, i was ready to taste his blood and hear him scream for mercy. I jumped in the air and swung at him but he deflected my hand with his sword's scabbard then thrusted it into my stomach which threw me backward's, to counter i grabbed his scabbard on my way back then threw it like a spear but he simply caught it back on his blade.

Gilberda:"You can't run from me!"

Before i could think he charged forward and slid under me then swept me out from under my feet, to rub salt in that wound he caught me on my way down.

Gilberda:"Y-You bastard!"

I tried to swing at him but he caught my arm and pinned me down for about ten second's before i surrendered.

Gilberda:"I give in, you win. Asshole."

Tatsumi:"Now explain what the hell that was all about."

Gilberda:"You've been corrupting all of the women for your own gain, and i won't allow it to continue."

Tatsumi:"So this is just an insecurity thing ey?-

-How 'bout you stop blaming me for your insecurities and you work on them instead, you need to stop blaming everyone for something that isn't there fault

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-How 'bout you stop blaming me for your insecurities and you work on them instead, you need to stop blaming everyone for something that isn't there fault."

After he was done scolding me he walked away and left the base, i felt a little upset that i lost again without much of a fight.

Gilberda:"Damnit, again!? Ugh, maybe he's right."

Cassandra:"That is what i'm starting to believe, perhap's it isn't him that is looking for such a thing but them instead. It is a possability we can't over look."

Gilberda:"I guess you're right, i'll stop attacking him."

I hate being scolded, it make's me feel like i'm a little kid again. But maybe it's for the better, i guess i'll have to stop attacking him for no reason.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

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