Ch 85 [New Family]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

After killing, Bach and his body guard's i had taken the three girl's that he had bought toward's the Night Raid hideout, they were a little hesitant and i don't blame them for it, after all they were almost sevearly harmed by someone who had promessed to protect them. As we got into the hideout they eased up and seemed to be a little calmer than before.

When we entered the base the three of them were in awe, especally, Fal.

Fal:"Woah, this place is huge!"

She started running around with her arm's to the wind, she must really like being able to run. She wasn't paying attention and ended up bumping into someone, and that someone was more than amuzed by it.

Leone:"Well, Tatsumi,-

-You didn't tell me that we had a kid, talk about keeping a girl in the dark

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-You didn't tell me that we had a kid, talk about keeping a girl in the dark."

Tatsumi:"Leone, do you listen to yourself speak sometime's? 'Cause i'm one hundred percent sure that she is not your biological daughter."

Leone:"Doesn't matter, she is now, c'mer kid."

Leone picked, Fal up and then she starting kicking at, Leone trying to get down.

Fal:"No, let me down! I don't like being picked up!"

Leone:"Aw, but you're so cute. How could i not pick you up?"

Air:"*Giggle* Fal actually like's it, she's just being a little tsundere that's all."

Fal:"I am not!"

Leone:"Kinda like a certant someone we know."

With, Fal yelling, and Leone teasing her it caused, Tsukushi to come our of her room and investigate what was going on.

Tsukushi:"What's going on,-

-Oh, what are you three doing in here? You could get hurt

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-Oh, what are you three doing in here? You could get hurt."

Air:"We'll be carful, i promess."

Air started giving, Tsukushi the sad puppy dog eye's which worked on her as it usually did.

Tsukushi:"Oh, alright. But i'll have to keep an eye on you three so you don't get hurt."


Even though, Air, and Fal were running around and meeting the member's of Night Raid, Luna was clinging to me and lot letting go. I knelt down and asked her if anything was wrong.

Tatsumi:"Is something wrong, Luna?"

Luna:"N-No, nothing's wrong."

Tatsumi:"Are you sure? You look a little scared, are you nervous?"

Luna:"I-I just don't want you to break our pinky promess, so i'm staying with you so i know you won't break it."

Tatsumi:"It's okay, Luna. I won't break our promess, i'll keep you and your friend's safe from here on out, okay?"

Luna:"Okay, c-can you pick me up?"


I picked up, Luna and slowly introduced her to the member's of Night Raid. She was a little on the shy end so i wanted to make sure she was comfortable while meeting them and i didn't let anyone crowd her, she seemed to be getting use to being around them and she felt a little safer knowing that if anyone wanted to hurt her they'd have to go through us first. After a little while we eventually bumped into, Mashiro who was coming back from a recon mission.

 After a little while we eventually bumped into, Mashiro who was coming back from a recon mission

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Mashiro:"Oh? Who might you be?"

Luna:"I-I'm Luna."

Mashiro:"I'm, Mashiro. It's nice to meet you."

Luna:"N-Nice to meet you too, ma'am."

Mashiro:"You're such a cutie, you know that?"

Luna hid in her face with her hoodie, Mashiro was right of course but i guess, Luna's never been called that.

Najenda:"Oi, Tatsumi. We've got a mission we need you on. Think you can handle it?"

Tatsumi:"I can handle anything, what's the mission?"

The boss had slipped me a file with a target in it, my job was to assassinate them and get back here without being caught. I put, Luna down and let her go play with her friend's while i would be abcent.

Tatsumi:(This shouldn't take to long, i'll be back by tonight.)

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

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