Ch 8 [Confide]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

I was laying in my bed staring at the celling when i heard i knock at the door.


Tatsumi:"Who is it?"

Akame:"It's me, Akame."

Tatsumi:"Come in."

Akame came into the room with a plate of food for me.

Akame:"You didn't come for dinner, are you not feeling well?"

Tatsumi:"It's more having a guilty conscience."

Akame:"Hm? Why is that?"

Tatsumi:"Well....i've just been thinking to myself.-

-Who am i to decide who live's and die's? For all i know, my target could have had a family full of children he was supporting before i killed him

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-Who am i to decide who live's and die's? For all i know, my target could have had a family full of children he was supporting before i killed him. Now they have to grow up without a father in there life."

Akame:"I know the feeling, and so does the rest of the team. It's always tough when something like that weigh's on your conscience. But we have to remind ourselves that it's them or us, kill or be killed. But eventually we'll be done and never have to return to the battlefield."

Tatsumi:"I know....but it still make's me think of thing's like. What if we're fighting for the wrong side? What if we're being sacrificed for just one huge lie?":(This may be my chance to get her to start doubting the empire. But it will take a lot of time to get her completely convinced.):"What if the minister's just some fat lazy hog that's sitting back and watching this for the fun of it?"

Akame:"From what i've heard about him he is fat."

Gozuki must have heard us talking about the minister's weight through my door and piped up for a joke. Or at least an attempt at a joke.

Gozuki:"That's what happen's when you're to busy eatting a gallon of fried ass!"


Tatsumi:"You tried bud. You tried. Better luck next time."


If he seriously thought that would be funny he should go back to comedy school, because it wasn't it was just gross.

Tatsumi:"Someone enroll that man in comedy school, now."


Well after that little annoyence me and Akame continued to talk.

Tatsumi:"I've done stuff like this sence i was young, but i've never felt like i had innocent blood on my hand's until now."

Akame:"Maybe it's something to do with the thought of finally escaping it only to have it find you again? That kind of stuff always suck's badly."

Tatsumi:"I don't know at this point. I think i just need some space for now so i can get a grip on what i'm gonna be doing from now on."

Akame:"Hm. If you want to talk, come to me and we'll talk thing's out. And make sure to eat before it get's cold."

Tatsumi:"Okay. See you later, i guess."

After she left the room i took a couple bite's out of the food on the plate but decided not to finish, i had something i was going to do. I put on my armor and snuck out through the window, on my way out a gave the plate to the animal's to have at. To make up for killing someone in the revolutionary group i'm gonna hunt down a couple of the minister's men and kill the one's who deserve it. Tonight is the the night of the Red Ronin.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later peace]

I'm no Hero [Yandere!Harem x O.P!Ronin!Tatsumi]Where stories live. Discover now