Ch 114 [Dream's]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

After we arrived back at base i was taken to my room where i slept for the rest of the day, but while i slept i ended up in some sort of dream world.


Tatsumi:[W-Where am i?]

I started walking around and ended up back in my old village, before it was burnt down. I walked around the village and eventually ended up in the village doctor's office. I saw my mother on the hospital bed holding me as an infant and my father beside her.

Tatsumi:[Mother? Father? Where did everything go wrong? They look so happy, so why did they involve themselves with the Revolution?]

I continued to walk around and ended up at the house of the people who adopted me, but, my mother was crying about having to give me up. Next thing i saw was my parents execution, i wanted to puke but i held it back and continued until i saw a familiar woman.


Sayori:[Son, i see you've made it.]

Tatsumi:[Made it? Made it where?]

Sayori:[The path of memories, you are witnessing me and your father's memories.]

Tatsumi:[H-How did i get here, what's going on?]

Sayori:[You fell into a coma, but you will wake up soon. We don't have much time left together, so we must make thing's quick. Follow me]

I followed her not knowing where she was taking me, but we apparently only had a limited time before i woke up. We ended up at some old house where my father was sitting near the fire place.

Sayori:[He's here, my dear.]

Tetsuya:[Thank you, my love. I'll take thing's from here, you should go relax i will join you shortly.]

My mother went into a seprate room to relax while myself, and my father spoke.

Tatsumi:[I'm sorry, father.]

Tetsuya:[For what, my son?]

Tatsumi:[My stupidity lead to the desteuction of the Murasama, i've failed.]

He placed his hand on my shoulder and began to speak to me.

Tetsuya:[Son, it was only a sword, a sword is a tool, tool's are ment to be broken and repaired. Murasama was just a prototype of what our vision was, it wasn't even ment to last as long as it did.]

Tatsumi:[So, why was it so powerful? It could cut through almost anything.]

Tetsuya:[I'm not sure myself, perhaps it was the material's i used to build it, i'm not sure but it wasn't ment to be as strong as it was. But the blood lock was ment to fool the empire incase they got their hand's on it.]

This was all news to me, Murasama wasn't ment to be as powerful as it was? I don't know if i will ever understand how it became so powerful but all i know is that he did create another blade that had more power behind it. I didn't know where it was, but my father seemed to know and gave me a cryptic hint on where it was.

Tetsuya:[All i can tell you is that it's closer than you think, now, you must return to the land of concsiousness. We will see you soon, son.]

Dream end.

I woke up hitting the ground of my bedroom.

Tatsumi:"Ouch, well, that sucked."

I glanced under my bed and saw what my father ment by "Closer than you think".

I glanced under my bed and saw what my father ment by "Closer than you think"

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Tatsumi:"Well, that's weird. How'd it get under my bed? But it's not a bad looking blade either."

I grabbed the sword and went outside, i gazed out at the moon.

I grabbed the sword and went outside, i gazed out at the moon

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Tatsumi:"I'm gonna make you proud, mom and dad. I promess."

After that i went back into my room and slept for the rest of the night, i was prepared for tomorrow and any mission that'll follow.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

|What do you think about, Akame being a cyborg that was sent back in time to keep, Tatsumi alive. I think it would be kinda like Terminator, but what do you think?|

I'm no Hero [Yandere!Harem x O.P!Ronin!Tatsumi]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz