Ch 83 [Purple Heart]

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[Art is not mine]

Sheele's P.O.V

It's been a couple week's sence i realized i had feeling's for, Tatsumi but it was starting to affect my dream's and making them into horrible nightmare's, nightmare's of me killing my friend's over him, even though they're just nightmare's i still have that same feeling of dread looming over me everytime i have one. I've tried just about everything and nothing's worked so far, tonight i'm gonna try taking medicine for it but i'm not sure if that'll work.

Sheele:(*Sigh* Another sleepless night is coming close, maybe i should just give up on trying to sleep and just start drinking a buncha coffee to stay up all day and night? No, that's not a good enough replacment for actual sleep.)

I looked out the window to watch the moon rise, but i also saw, Tatsumi sitting on the edge of the cliff-side watching the star's in the sky.

Sheele:(Oh, why did i have to fall in love? Maybe that's why i'm having these weird dream's? Hm, maybe if he reject's my love confession i'll finally be free from these nightmare's? Yes, that just might work.)

I wrapped a blanket around my shoulder's and walked outside fully prepared for the cold hand of rejection, hoping for it. I'm hoping that being rejected will stop these nightmare's for good, so god help me with this one.

Sheele:(He look's so handsome by moonlight, gah, get ahold of yourself, Sheele this is to stop the nightmare's he's going to reject us then we should be free from those damned nightmare's.)

I slowly approached him getting even more nervous with each step i took, granted i was doing this hoping to get rejected to prevent anymore of these nightmare's from happening but i was still prepared for it to hurt a lot.

Sheele:(Do i really wanna go through with this? I've stomached my way through much worse than just nightmare's, like murder, and worse so should i just try and power my way through it? No, i've come this far, there is no turning back now.)

When i took another step he noticed me and i felt my heart skip a beat, or did he know i was here the whole time? I'm not sure how he work's but now he know's i'm here without a doubt unless he's even more blind than me.

Tatsumi:"Good evening, Sheele, what bring's you out here on such a remarkable evening?"

Sheele:"W-Well, i wanted to tell y-you something important."

Tatsumi:"Okay, i'm here, fire away."

Sheele:(Now's your chance.):"R-Remember when you saved me from being killed by that woman, almost a month ago?"

Tatsumi:"Yeah, i remember it."

Sheele:(Here goes.):"W-Well, ever since then i-i've started to....fall for you, i've fallen in love with you.":(Breathe!)

Tatsumi:"C-Could you run that by me again? I-I don't think i heard you correctly

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Tatsumi:"C-Could you run that by me again? I-I don't think i heard you correctly."

Sheele:"I said, i've fallen in love with you, Tatsumi-San. I'm not sure if you feel the same about me but i-Mph!"

This was certantly, unexpected. I felt him pull me closer and kiss me directly on the lip's, the feeling of his lip's against mine was something i didn't plan for but it was a very welcome surprise.

Sheele:"D-Does this mean you return my feeling's?"


We both sat down and watched the star's shine for a couple hour's.

We both sat down and watched the star's shine for a couple hour's

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Sheele:"I'm so happy that you return my feeling's, Tatsumi-San."

Tatsumi:"If i'm the one that can make you happy then i'm gonna do everything to make you happy."

After a little while i ended up falling asleep watching the star's, i could feel him carring me to a room but i don't know which one it was, i could only hope it was either my room, Mine's room, or his room. Either way, i'm just happy that he love's me back.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

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