Ch 37 [Mysterious Figure]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

After leaving the Oarburgh's base i headed to the jewlery store and looked for the perfect gift's for the member's of the Elite Seven, i eventually settled on some amulet's with different colored gem's in the center.

Tatsumi:(These will be perfect

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Tatsumi:(These will be perfect.)

I inprinted there name's into the back's of the amulet's and paid for all of them, i even got one for, Green to turn any suspicion away from me if they know about his death. I quickly started back to base almost a little to excided to give these amulet's to them but hey, who doesn't get a little excided when there giving someone a gift?

After almost a half hour of walking i finally got back to the Elite Seven's base, everyone looked quite releaved to see me for some reason and Gozuki wasn't there either.

Akame:"Tatsumi, thank the heaven's you're alright."

Cornelia:"We were so worried about you, where were you yesterday?"

Tatsumi:"Well, these should hopefully explain it."

I opened the box and showed all of them the amulet's, i removed each one and gave it to the proper people. I gave Akame the amulet that was made with black metal with a red gem in the center, i just think she'd look better in black and red then white and red.

 I gave Akame the amulet that was made with black metal with a red gem in the center, i just think she'd look better in black and red then white and red

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Akame:"Thank you Tatsumi, that's very kind of you."

I gave Corey a silver amulet with a golden gem in the center, she was quite happy too.

I gave Corey a silver amulet with a golden gem in the center, she was quite happy too

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I'm no Hero [Yandere!Harem x O.P!Ronin!Tatsumi]Where stories live. Discover now