Quick Rant/Question

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First off i just want to apologize for not uploading a chapter tonight.

[Possible spoiler's for Attack on Titan ahead. Be warned]

Now i think this is a good time to talk about this because i'm rewatching Attack on Titan's first season and will be watching the rest of the anime afterward. But i've noticed that a lot of the fandom is rather pissed/upset about the ending.

Now just to be clear there may be spoiler's for the rest of the anime ahead, you've been warned.

Apparently people were upset about the ending because of mutiple thing's, honestly i think most of them are upset that, Mikasa apparently married, Jean. I'm not sure if that actually true or if it's false because i haven't gotten that far in the manga/anime. But if that's the case that's just pathetic.

All i know is that, Eren caused an event called "The Rumbling" which apparently killed between 1.6 Billion and 1.8 billion people. I'm not sure how accurate that was but again i haven't gotten that far yet.

It also got to a point where the author ended up apologizing for the ending. Okay, what the fuck? In what world should, Isayama have to apologize for how he wanted his manga?! That's just bullshit, in my opinion.

Honestly, i think everyone's being pissy that the manga didn't end the way they wanted it to, and if that's the case [And it possibly is] that's beyond childish. But what do you think the reason is?

Anyway i'll see y'all later, adios.

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