Ch 64 [Hate turn's to Love]

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[Art is not mine]

Gilberda's P.O.V

I returned to the base shorty after training with, Bulat. Even though he's just a man he knew more about combat than, Mera-Sama ever did. And that armor, Incursio is so powerful he resisted one of my punches at full force, hell he didn't even flinch from the strike. I have a huge level of respect for him and what he stand's for so i guess not all male's are bad, maybe i can actually get along with a few of them but when i got back to base i caught wind from, Leone that, Cassandra had fallen in love with the same boy who seduced, Mera-Sama, and Taeko-San.

Gilberda:"That bastard, he seduced another one of them for his own gain. B-But what if he didn't? Maybe i'm just letting some insecurities come out now, hell i'm even thinking out loud."

After sitting there for about ten or so minute's, Tatsumi left his room and went out to the back yard where he would be training but i decided to ask him something.

Gilberda:"Hey, Tatsumi-

-Come with me for a sec

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-Come with me for a sec."

Tatsumi:"Okay, i have some time to spare, so why not?"

I managed to lure him out if the base and somewhere completely private, this was a place i found that we could all come to and meditate if we got a little too stressed out.

Tatsumi:"This place is beautiful, nice find."

Gilberda:"Thank you, hey if i ever die i'd like this to be the place you bury me."

Tatsumi:"Don't assume you'll die any time soon, we've got a long way to go before any of us are allowed to even consider dying."

Gilberda:"Hey, i'd like to talk to you about something, it's about my....strength."

Tatsumi:"Sure, if it's something you need to get off your chest i'm right here."

Gilberda:"Well, when it come's to my power-

-I don't know if it's a medical condition or something else, but i was born with superhuman strength

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-I don't know if it's a medical condition or something else, but i was born with superhuman strength. My parents feared me, though, and sold me off. Granted i was sad at first, but that circus is where i met, Cassandra. Even though she's fallen for you i can hope that she remain's my friend."

Tatsumi:"So you wanted to talk to me about this because you were scared to lose your friendship with, Cassandra?"

Tatsumi:"So you wanted to talk to me about this because you were scared to lose your friendship with, Cassandra?"

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Gilberda:"That's right. I was always scared to lose her or other friend's to someone else because my parents wanted nothing to do with me, but maybe now that i'm here with such an incredible group of people, i can bury those fear's in the past."

I felt him pull me into his arm's for a hug, now i know why, Cassandra like's them so much, his heartbeat is so relaxing i feel like i could fall asleep listening to it. I guess, Mera-Sama may have been wrong about men, not all if them are bad they might even make a good spouse too.

Gilberda:(I guess this feeling that, Cassandra shared with him isn't bad after all. Does he return these feeling's for me? I don't know, but there's no point in holding it all down.):"T-Tatsumi."

Tatsumi:"Yes, Gil?"

Gilberda:"Through out all of our squable's, i think i fell for you in the process. I don't know if you feel that way about me but i'm glad to call you my most trusted ally and my closest friend."

He didn't respond at first but instead put his hand under my chin and raised my face to meet his, then he pressed his lip's against mine. I wasn't expecting to be kissing someone other than, Mera but i was pleasently surprised by this act. He was actually better than her as if he's had year's of experience with me alone, even though i knew that to not be true it was as if it was the reality i lived.

Gilberda:(I never thought i'd love someone other than, Mera but i wouldn't trade this feeling for the world.)

After we seperated from the kiss, Tatsumi laid against the tree while i laid on his chest, we ended up falling asleep and i wasn't upset by it one bit.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

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