┏°⌜ 028: E M A

Start from the beginning

For a moment you were worried that the green smoke signal meant something bad, but now you were a bit relieved

You took a closer look around and only now noticed that the whole place was full of soldiers on some houses and on the wall, probably guarding the place.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

With a flourish of romantic hand the sunset blossoms red and gold.

After about 1 hour you all reached a very small village which lay between Shiganshina and Trost in the area of ​​Wall Maria.

This small village was uninhabited. Some of the residential buildings were completely destroyed or plants had overgrown everything.

"We are here."

Eren pulled the rope to stop the horse in front of a small house while other soldiers gathered around the building.

With ease, Eren jumped off the horse and quickly tied it with the rope to a tree right next to the house.

Meanwhile you thought about how to get off the horse without looking awkward, after all you have no experience with horses.

Luckily Eren returned to you quickly and held out his hand to signal that he would like to help you get off the horse.

With his help, getting off was no problem and you thanked him, in response he just nodded.

"Mr Jaeger, we are ready!"
A group of Jaegerists saluted.

Eren nodded
"Alright, let's go."

You were unsure what exactly was happening, but the situation made you nervous. Is it about finding Mikasa and Armin?


For a moment you were lost in your thoughts, Eren's voice suddenly seemed like a jumpscare for you

"MHM yeah- uh yes?"
You tried to appear unimpressed

"Stay right behind me."
He dryl replied

Somehow that sentence made you more nervous.
But before you could ask what exactly is going on, he turned around and walked towards the house. You simply follow him and stay right behind him as he said.

Jaeger opened the door abruptly. You continued to follow him and looked down on the floor nervously. Some Jaegerist members stayed outside the house, others including Floch escorted Eren inside.



Suddenly a female and a male voice said Eren's name at the same time. It sounded like they were very surprised and shocked.

However, Eren was blocking your view, and with other Jaegerists standing right next to you and behind you, you couldn't move to see who was there.

Eren just held up his right hand.

Although you could only see the back of his hand, you could see that his hand was bleeding.
Your heart started beating faster. Is that really necessary? Of course he just wants to show that he has control over the situation, but it still made you very nervous.

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