Pale as a ghost

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Scarlett's pov
Lizzie is doing much better now. Rose decided to sleep with her as she's taking a nap. It's so cute. Chloe texted me, well more like Emma, about when I should pick them up. I told her I would pick them up in 15 minutes.

It really doesn't take that long. Probably five minutes but I wanted to stop at a store to get the kids a treat. I left Lizzie a little note on her forehead before I left.

I got in my car and drove to the store to get some drinks and candy. Something I probably shouldn't do. Give them sugar but oh well. Hope they make good choices. I make my way inside the store and buy the treats.

I walk back to my car and drive to the house. I finally arrived and I saw a familiar car. I swear to god if I think I know who it is...they are dead. Fuck the snacks. I walk around the gate to see what's happening.

"Chloe get off!" Dixie shouts trying to yank her off of someone. And that someone is Kara. "You don't deserve Chris you bitch" she told the poor lady then slapped her face.

"Chloe stop" Emma pleads so she does. She slowly gets off her, still glaring at her. Hard. "Your lucky I didn't go all black widow on your ass" she points to her face.

"No but seriously. She would have rocked your shit" I chime in. They all turn to face me. Chloe's face drops. "I'm in trouble" she whisper and I chuckle.

I walk over to the group. "There's snacks in the car for you all" I tell them. "Oooo snacks" larray runs to my car and opens it looking for the snacks.

Everyone else goes but Thomas and Chloe stays. "Why are you stalking my daughter?" I ask Kara as she stands up and brushes herself off. "I wasn't" I cross my arms. "Bullshit" Chloe is now standing next to me.

"Your going to pay for this Chloe" she points at my daughter. I gently move Chloe behind me. "How? I'm a minor sucker" I laughed at that. "You're going to have to go through me first" I tell her and she rolls her eyes. "The police are on their way" Dixie says and I nod.

We wait for the police to take her away. "She's psycho" Chloe mumbles. "Are you okay? Did she touch you or anything?" I ask her looking over her. She points to a scratch on her face. "Oh she's dead" I storm off but she stops me and shakes her head.

If she's telling me she's okay then she is. "Let's go inside" I wrap my arm around her and she leads us inside. Right as I got inside, my phone started to ring. I grab it from my front pocket to see that Lizzie is calling me so I answer it. "Hello?" 

Rose's pov
I woke up on top of lizzie. I carefully roll off of her and lay beside her. I rub my eyes and see that there's a sticky note on her head. I carefully take it off trying not to wake her up.

I read it and it says that mom left to go get Chloe and Emma and that she will be back soon. I set it on the side table and lay back down grabbing the remote and turn the tv on.

I made sure that it was on a low volume. I started watching 'It takes two' with the Olsen twins since my sister said it was a good movie. I then got thirsty so I went downstairs to grab some water.

The cups were a bit high for me so I had to drag a chair and step on it to reach. I reach for the cup that Chloe gave me a while back. It was a black widow one and I love it.

I then hop down and put the chair back. I then jump on the counter and turn the water on. I fill my glass up and turn it off. I drink it thinking maybe Lizzie was going to be thirsty so I fill it back up again.

I set the cup down and jump off the counter and reach for the cup again. I carefully walk back upstairs with the cup in my hand. I open the door and I look up to see Lizzie quickly getting out of bed and running to the bathroom.

I tilt my head confused until I heard her throwing up. "Lizzie?" I set the cup down and run to the bathroom. "Liz?" She keeps throwing up and her hair is in the way.

I look on the counter and see an elastic so I put her hair in a low pony tail since that's what all I can really do. I run back to the room to get the water for after she's finished.

She stoped when I walked in. "You okay?" I ask her handing her the water. She slowly nods her head but I know she's not. She drinks a little then quickly sets it back down to throw up again.

I don't know what to do. "C-call your mom" she says before throwing back up again. I go back to the room and look for the phone. I can't find it so I just take Lizzie's and unlock it.

I dial my moms number and she quickly answers. "Hello?" "Lizzie isn't feeling good" I tell her. "Why? What's wrong?" She sounds worried. I am too. She's throwing up like a lot.

"She's throwing up and won't stop" I tell her looking back in the bathroom. She's still throwing up. I don't think that's normal to throw up that much.

"Okay I'm on my way" she says hanging up. I know she went to pick up the girls so she's not far from here. "Lizzie? Moms coming" she nods her head and flushes then leans on the wall.

I sit down next to her and lay my head on her shoulder. "Are you okay?" I ask looking up at her. She looks pale. Like a ghost. "I will be" she says in a raspy voice.

We sit there and wait a little. I give her some more water to make her feel better. After that, she starts playing with my fingers which I let her. She does that when she has anxiety or something and I don't mind. It's like a finger massage.

We heard the front door open and shut then someone running up the stairs. Lizzie gets up. I told her not too but she's stubborn sometimes. "Lizzie?" I look up to see mom looking at her.

"I don't feel good" she says before fainting. Once again. She literally fell on me. Well not really but I'm just going to say she did. "Chloe! Call an ambulance!"

Adopted by Scarlett Johansson pt. 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon