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Chloe's pov
"YOU KNEW HOW MUCH I LOVED YOU CHRIS!" Mom shouts in front of everyone. "I know but-" she cuts him off. "NO, YOU KNEW AND YOU STILL WENT AND CHEATED ON ME. WHY DID YOU DO IT?" She ask about to cry but she holds it in. "Why?" She ask again taking a deep breath.

"How about we go outside" Flo tried to direct Rose and I away from all of this. "No, let me fight him" rose says jumping up from her seat running towards Chris but I stop her. "I don't know why" Chris tells her. "He never loved you anyways" Kara tells mom.

I see something flick in moms eyes. She's angry now. "Hey! You don't get to say that" Lizzie stands up for her. "Why are you even here?" She then ask Kara. "Girls, come on" Flo tries again but we stay. I want to see this.

"Because my boyfriend invited me" she says with a smirk. Boyfriend? "You're just his toy" Lizzie says. "Oooooo" Robert says making him get slapped multiple times. When she talks, I notice that she has a crooked tooth.

I get up walking towards them but Cobie pulls me back. "No, let me go!" I try to wiggle myself out but she's too strong. Curse those Maria Hill strength. "Let's not" she tells me but I don't listen okay. "Let me knock that tooth straight" I managed to get out and was about to jump on her but mom stopped me.

"Girls, we're leaving" mom says pulling me to the door with Rose behind me and Lizzie. We put our shoes on and leave without saying anything. "I need a drink" mom says rubbing her temple while walking to the car. We get in and drive off. No one said anything the whole way.

Scarlett's pov
We got home and I went straight to my room. Why is Chris such an ass? "Mommy where you going?" Rose ask trying to chase after me but I closed the door before she could catch up to me. I put my face in my pillow and shout at the top of my lungs. As loud as I could.

The realization finally hits that Chris and I are really done. I cry for god knows how long. I eventually stop and take my ass to the shower to wash up. I turn the shower on as hot as it can, but really, and strip off my clothes.

I stay in there for about 15 minutes until I got out. I change into some pyjamas and climb in bed turning the tv on. I snuggle in the bed and get comfortable. I decided to watch a Christmas movie since it always cheers me up so I watched Home Alone.

Lizzie's pov
When we got to scarlett's house, she went straight to her room. I heard some muffled yelling and it hurt to hear her in pain. "Can we cheer mom up?" Chloe ask with the phone in her hand. "Of course we can" I smooth her hair out a little so it's not all over the place.

"What shall we do?" I ask kissing her head. "Can we order pizza! And get a lot of ice cream!" Rose shouts. "Shhh not too loud please" she nods her head but looks up at me inpatient. "On it" Chloe says dialling the pizza place before I could say anything.

So I guess we're eating pizza. "Ice cream?" Rose gives me those eyes. "We don't have any" Chloe tells her after hanging up. "Awww" Rose looks down. "Yes we do" she shots her head up. "There's a secret stash and I know where it is".

I start to walk away but the two girls start following me so I stop. "Leave" I laugh. They laugh and run away. I walk to the secret stash and back to the kitchen. "Pizza's here" Rose tells me as I place the ice cream in the freezer.

"Let's go and bring this upstairs to your mom" I suggest. Chloe takes some plates while Rose grabs some napkins. "Let's go" Rose jumps up and down running to her mothers room. We follow her upstairs and she opens the door.

What I see made my heart break. Scarlett is laying on her bed, cuddled with the sheets, staring at the tv. I know she's been crying because I can see her cheeks stained.

"We got pizza and ice cream downstairs" I announced. "Fun" i head her whisper. She's still glued to the tv so I mention to the girls that they can go sit and eat. They run to the bed climbing on and sitting down next to their mother.

Scarlett sits up slowly and smiles at me. A sad smile though. "Here" I set the pizza box in the middle, grab the plates and napkins passing them around so that they don't make a mess. Scarlett makes room for me so I sit down next to her.

"You alright?" I ask noticing she's watching Home Alone. Her comfort movie. "I will be now that I have my beautiful girls and you" she leans her head on my shoulder while eating the pizza. "Thanks for the pizza guys" she says to us.

We watch the movie with her and after a while, Rose speaks up. "What's on your neck?" "What?" I ask. I don't remember doing anything to my neck...oh wait. "Your neck. It's red and there's some purple" she points out. I see scarlett trying not to laugh.

"Oh I just brunt myself with the curling iron" I hope she will drop it. But no. She's a Johansson so she won't. "But why is that one purple then?" She tilts her head. Chloe is now laughing while Scar is trying not too.

"I know what that is" Chloe laughs out. "What is it?" Rose faces her. "I burnt myself twice and I put some purple eyeshadow on it?" That was more of a question to myself. I think she bought it though she's not asking anymore questions about it.

I then had an idea so I whisper in the girls ears to tell them to grab their blankets and pillows since we're going to have a sleepover. "Okay!" They shout running out the room. "Where are they going?" Scar ask wrapping her arms around my waist still leaning against my side.

"You'll see" she sigh and I kiss her head. We soon hear girls laughing and walking in the room with their things. "Sleepover time!" Rose shouts jumping on the bed almost hitting Scarlett. "Is that okay?" I ask Scar. She just nods.

"Do you girls want to sleep on the floor or in the bed?" Scar ask them while sitting up. "Bed" they both grab their pillows and throw them on the bed. They both climb in. Rose wants to sleep at the end, then it goes Chloe, then me then Scarlett. Trust me. The bed is big enough for all of us. There's extra space. We could fit like two more people.

"Can we watch Frozen?" I hear Rose's little voice from the other side. "If that's okay with everyone else then I don't see why not" Scar answers. We all agree so she plays it and we all snuggle with each other. "Wait, everyone brush your teeth's first" I announce pausing it. Everyone runs off then we come back playing the movie.

Halfway through the movie, the girls fell asleep. Chloe has her head on my shoulder with her arms all over the place. Rose's head is near her butt. Literally. I don't know how that happened so Scar decides to mover her around so that Chloe's ass is not in her face.

she lays back down literally on top of me. I stroke her hair calming her down a little. "You okay?" I ask after a while. The movie is still playing but it's just a background noise. "No, but I will be" I nod my head.

"I'm here for you if you need anything and I mean it" I kiss her head again making her squeeze me by hugging me. "I know and thank you" she lifts her head up and kisses my lips. I grab her face to deepen it. "I wake up for one second and I see you two making out" I pull away and look to my right to see Chloe staring at us.

"Shouldn't you be sleeping missy" I tickle her side making her giggle a little. Scar lays her head on the side of my neck, snuggle up against it. I feel her hot breath against my neck. "Shouldn't you two be dating?" Chloe and turning her body around. I know damn well she's smiling right now.

"Goodnight Chlo" Scarlett says then kissing my neck. "Goodnight mom" she whispers and falls asleep. I turn the tv off so now it's completely dark in the room. "What are you doing tomorrow?" I ask after moment of silence. "Going to set, taking the kids with me" she sighs.

Oh shit. I forgot we had to go tomorrow to film some stuff. "Let me take you out for supper" I tell her. "You don't have a choice" she laughs. "Okay but who's going to take care of the girls?" She tightens her grip around me. "My sisters" she nods her head.

"Go to bed, tomorrow is going to be a long day" she tells me. "Fine" her soft lips find my neck and starts sucking on it. I know what she's doing. "I swear to god if you leave another hickey, my makeup artist won't be too happy" I tell her which doesn't stop her.

She then kisses that spots and falls asleep. I stroke her hair until she's fast asleep. I then check to see if the girls are okay. They are so now I can sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a fun day and I hope she likes what I planned.

Adopted by Scarlett Johansson pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now