part 20

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Jisoo  - ok.. I'll take care from the next time..

They reached home and went to their rooms to change. They did all timepass and soon it was dinner time. He came out to make some egg rolls and sushi. While he was cooking.. he heard jisoo talking to someone..

He thought it maybe someone over the phone... So he shrugged it off and continued making the meal.

As soon as he was done.. he arranged the table and served the meal.
Yoongi - jisoo.. dinner's ready...

He sat and after sometime.. jisoo came out of her room. He look at her and found her sad face . She walked towards the table and sat there to eat .

Yoongi pov -

Is she alright?? Doesn't seems like it..  Shes always cheerful and happy about having dinner.. There's something wrong for sure.. I'll ask her after dinner.

I was done with the dinner while she had only finished half of it. I looked at her in unsion and i decided to encourage her.

Yoongi - is everything alright?? You seem to be a bit down today..
Jisoo - i-its nothing..

Yoongi - you are really bad at lying and you should know that ... Now tell me.. what's bothering you??
Jisoo - I'll finish this and tell you everything..
I nodded.

In a couple of minutes.. she was done. I cleaned everything and we sat on the couch.

Yoongi - so...?
Jisoo - yoongi.. what I'm about to tell you is.. just don't let anyone know about this .. alright??
I nodded.

Jisoo - ok so.. i was going through my closet finding something.. when i came across a photo of me and my parents..
She started tearing up..

My eyes widened seeing her like this..
Jisoo - i just don't know if there's anyone in this world who loves me.. My appa... He's just not here to o give me all the love..... C-can you feel being loved by no one.. literally no one in this freaking whole world..
She said crying hardly.

Yoongi - it's nothing like that jisoo... He might just be busy taking care of your grandmother..

I said getting close to her.
Only if i could tell her how much I love her... It wouldn't have been the same..

Hearing her cry her heart out..  i felt really bad. I quickly turned to her and grabbed her in my arms. I patted her head and back vigorously to slower her sobbing.

Yoongi - it's alright jisoo... You just need a break from these stuff ... And you are just overthinking about your appa. He loves you and I'm sure of it.

Jisoo - if you say so.. maybe I'm overthinking.. i really need a break.. aish.... . Yoongi.. can i borrow a hug ?? Please.. just some minutes more.


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