part 34

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Jisoo was done and was sitting in the living room so as waiting for yoongi to come.

Soon he came and both of them headed to the mall. He parked the car in the basement and they took a lift to the second floor .

.The couple interwined their hands as they headed towards the game zone.

They played a loads of games . The couple was lucky as not much people were there in the gaming zone. As the time passed the place started getting crowded.

Yoongi's pov -

Holy cow... This place is getting crowded.. if anyone spots me with her then I'm doomed. I remember the comments in the live TV show mouthing ' I can't see Kim Jisoo with any ordinary man..'

Yoongi - jisooyah... We should head to the food court...I'm starving..
Jisoo - okay..
She interwined her hands with mine..

As we left for food. The whole time my eyes were wide open to search if anyone spots us... together...

Jisoo - I'm full... Let's get going now..
Yoongi - um...yea.. alright.
We got up and left while her hands were interviewing with mine.. again..

I'm way to scared to be spotted my any of her fans ..i just don't want her to get in trouble. And here comes the nightmare... I saw a troop of people who seem to know jisoo.

They ran towards her with a smile plastered on their faces. Holy nuggets... I gotta run. I immediately left her hand and ran towards the washroom. I didn't even turned back to look at the confused soul.

Soon later i peeped out of the washroom and saw her standing infront of the railing. I went towards her as she looked at me. She have a death glare while shooting daggers out of her eyes.

Yoongi - w-what happened...?
Jisoo - why would you run away..?
She said coldly.

Yoongi - umm.. i actually saw some of your fans infront of the sushi place.
Jisoo - oh..

The girl entered a store and directly went towards the medical sector. I followed her .
Yoongi - hey.. what are you doing..?

She ignored me as took out a mask from the shelf. She went to the counter.. paid for it and started to head towards the parking lot.

I stopped her midway infront of the theater . The girl looked at me with those cold gazes again.

Yoongi - what's the mask for ..?
I asked as i tried to take it off her face but she dodged it.

Jisoo - I'm way to ugly to be seen by anyone..
Yoongi - stop being mad at me... That's not what I mean.
I said as i finally took off her mask.


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