part 9

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I took out the outfit and placed in top of him.

Jisoo - oppa!! Please wear this outfit for me..
I said with a puppy face.

Yoongi - but we are here to shop -
Jisoo - i know we are here to shop for me.. but oppa!! Please.. i love this outfit..
I said cutting him off.

I pleaded him so much that he had to agree.. he went inside the trial room and came out in sometime. Fuck!! He looks so damn hot..!!

No Kim Jisoo!! No!! You can't! Kapeesh.. i kept telling myself to shush but this is literally how he was looking..

I'm lucky that he can't see me blush as I'm wearing mask

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I'm lucky that he can't see me blush as I'm wearing mask.. He turned around to see himself in the mirror and he has the ' not bad but not good ' look ..

Jisoo - oppa!  You should take this.. it's really looking fabulous on you...
He didn't say anything but was looking at me.

Jisoo - i would have bought it for my boyfriend.... I'f i had one..
I unconscioully spilled this.. no..!!

Yoongi - what did you say???
Jisoo - n-nothing..
I said looking away.

Jisoo - excuse me! Please pack this.. I'm taking it..
Yoongi - but i don't want it..
Jisoo - I'm taking it for my future boyfriend..
I said paying for the thing.

We went out and made out way to the home . I changed into my fit and oppa changed into a all- black outfit with a coat.

He went to the parking and i was still in my flip flops.. oppa told me that he will change them when I get off..

He started driving and we reached the destination. In the parking lot.. he got off first and came to my side. He bent down to change my footwear.

Jisoo - oppa.. it will be all ok.. right??
Yoongi - yes..
He said with an assuring smile.

I wore the footwear and it had a little heel. I held oppa's arm through the whole event..  the photographer called me for the take and i had to let go of his arm.

He dropped me to the spot and moved back so he can't be seen on the camera. I looked at him and he made a thumbs up gesture with his hands. 

I took a deep breath and the shoot started. Before i could know.. it ended.. oppa hurried towards me and gave me his arm to hold.

I attended the whole event without any difficulty while i was holding his arm. It just.. felt really safe.. The  event got over and we went home.

I hurried towards my room to change and i bid oppa good night.. i then threw myself on the bed and i just dozed off..


Cause It's Me.. And You Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat