21: I wanna talk first.

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"Yeah sure whatever." Tommy replied, "where's Dad and Tech?"

"Downstairs, we've been talking." Wilbur said as he began to walk to the bed to sit next to Tommy.

"Right." Tommy said, barely caring.

"Look, I'm so-"

"No. You wanna talk right? Well I wanna talk first. You are an arsehole to put it plainly. You always have been man." Tommy said as Wilbur walked forward and sat next to his brother.

"I know that, trust me I do.."

"I'm not finished. You picked drugs over family every time. Every single time something went slightly bad for you, you resulted to weed and alcohol then you would come home and treat me, Tech and Dad like shit! Wilbur, I would be so excited to spend time with you and you would tell me to 'fuck off.' I looked up to you and wanted to be just like you! I never liked the drinking and drugs, I just liked hanging out with you." Tommy took a deep breath and then looked directly at Wilbur, "I loved you so much and you just left."

Wilbur looked at Tommy, his eyes full of remorse and nodded.

"Toms, I know I was in the wrong. I never meant to be a dick to you, I just didn't want you to see me like that so I didn't want you to be around. I know I shouldn't of let you drink or smoke. I should've stopped you."

Tommy wanted to laugh, his brother sounded so stupid, 'I should've stopped you.' That was obvious, Tommy was barely a teenager and the one person that should've protected him, didn't.

"No shit Wil. You are a shit person." Tommy spat back angrily.

"Can I at least explain why I left?" Wilbur waited for a reply from Tommy yet he didn't get one so continued to speak, "You lost Mum to drugs. You saw her laying on the ground dead. You saw me unconscious, I didn't know if I could quit but I knew I didn't want you to find me dead on the floor. It was a mistake the first time, I couldn't let it happen again."

"Why the fuck didn't you go rehab?" Tommy questioned, tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

"I wanted to do it on my own terms, not with help from random people. I wanted you to know that it was me who done it and I didn't just do it because I was forced to." Wilbur explained calmly.

"So what was all the bullshit about you going to rehab in the first place?" the younger blonde whispered.

"I'd been planning it for awhile. Me and Niki were talking about it ever since I got home from the hospital. She was completely against it but she's easy to convince. The plan was never to go to rehab but it was always the plan to get sober."

Tommy grabbed Wilbur's hand in his own before speaking, "And what if it didn't work?"

"If it didn't work, well you didn't have to witness the outcome. I've been sober for a month Tommy."

"It isn't the first time you said that. You always say your sober and then suddenly you're going out again."

"I never fully stopped doing drugs when I said I did. This time is different, I'm actually sober and I want to stay sober." 

Tommy rolled his eyes, letting go of Wilbur's hand. The younger couldn't believe he even considered Wilbur was telling the truth, he said he was sober on so many occasions and every single time it was a lie. He knew it wasn't any different.

"I'll prove it to you Toms." Wilbur added.

The tears that had been piling up finally spilled.

The anger he had felt had left, leaving a feeling of sadness in it's place.

Your everyday average family (Sleepy Bois AU)Where stories live. Discover now