The hotel didn't disappoint either. It had the elegant double glass door that you see in the movies. They opened up into a large foyer with marble floors. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, and there were fresh flowers in vases on the tables.

Amanda whistled next to me as she looked around with wide eyes. "Holy shit. Justin's doing pretty well for himself."

I couldn't help but laugh, because that was a serious understatement. To me, it felt like we were stepping into a movie. Not a movie set, but a real life romantic story. Like we were getting to live someone else's lives for the night.

A concierge approached us immediately. The way he directed us over to the long desk where several men and women - all dressed in dark suits with crisp shirts underneath - worked, only heightened the sensation.

"We're so pleased to have you with us for the night," the woman whose name tag said Amber smiled at us. She handed over keycards to the room and directed us to the elevator. "I hope you have both have a very Happy New Year," she finished. Both Amanda and I wished her the same.

"It would suck to have to work New Year's Eve in a hotel, don't you think?" Amanda asked as we followed Amber's directions around the corner over to the elevators.

"It would probably suck to work anywhere on New Year's Eve," I responded, and then it dawned on me that Justin and the band were also working. I told Amanda so and she laughed.

"That's not the same. They're not playing for that long, and they'll have fans screaming for them."

"Maybe Amber gets to drink and chill, too."

Amanda gave me a look and said, "it's not like anyone is cheering for Amber."

I chuckled. "You don't really know that, do you?"

The elevator doors opened, and we stepped inside. Amanda focused her hazel colored eyes -that were more green than brown because of the sweater she wore- on me. "It's not like we're at some low budget hotel," she said and swept her hand around to make her point. And she was correct. Everything in the hotel that far, including the elevator, was beyond luxurious.

"You think they drink in the back at low budget hotels?" I asked as we stepped off the elevator on our floor.

"Who knows what the hell they do there? They might even have a drink under the desk."

"You've been watching too many dramas."

She rolled her eyes. "My point is," she said and took out her key card since we had reached a door near the end of a long hallway with the number 773 above it, "that once Trudge Lite finishes, they get to chill and drink with the rest of us."

Since she was right I dropped it, and I became a bit distracted by the room. It was beautiful. Large and airy, in neutral tones, with two queen beds. The comforters were fluffy like clouds, and the thread count on those sheets were something else.

"This is insane, right?" I said to Amanda. It felt like I kept repeating those words over and over together with "I can't believe it." It was surreal to be in such a luxurious place. Almost like we were Cinderella's' for the night.

"Yeah, this is very impressive," Amanda agreed.

"I almost can't wait to go to sleep," I told her as I stroked my hand down the cold, silky sheets.

"We can lie down for a while if you want." She looked down at her watch and then back at me. "The limo is getting us at nine, so we have about three and a half hours."

"What about dinner?" I asked as I sat down on the bed that was just as comfortable as it looked.

"I don't know." She kicked her shoes off and sat down on the other bed. "Do you want to order room service?"

"Can we afford that?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "We can put it on the room. I'm sure that the label is paying for it. They can afford to pay for our dinner, too."

"Oh." If that was the case, why not? "Okay."

Amanda laid down on the bed and stretched out. "Oh damn, they are comfortable."

"I know."

We laid there for a while and I thought about how excited I was to celebrate New Year's Eve with Amanda and the members of Trudge Lite at some downtown club in Charlotte. But there was one thing that had me concerned, and I needed to talk to Amanda about it before we got there.

"Mandi," I said to get her attention.

She turned her head my way from where she laid on her back on the bed. She looked tired, but happy.

"Will you be okay to see Dane?"

She exhaled loudly and closed her eyes for a second. "I'm not really sure what to do about him," she admitted. "I doubt he'll do anymore than acknowledge me. It's not like he has said anything."

"Probably not," I agreed. "Justin would have told you, and Dane probably would've been sporting a black eye or two."

She snorted. "I guess."

I rolled over on my side so I faced her. "So, what's your plan for tonight?"

"Avoid, avoid, avoid."

I giggled. "That sounds like an amazing plan."

She threw her arm over her eyes and groaned. "I don't freaking know, but there's not much I can do."

"Will you be okay seeing him?"

It took a few seconds before she responded with a soft, "yeah." She removed her arm and looked straight at me. She looked vulnerable, but determined at the same time. "I don't really have an option. I want to go see them play."


"I'm not gonna lie and say that it doesn't hurt that I was just a fun thing for him for the night, but I also knew what I was getting into. All those boys are players, Justin included."


That wasn't supposed to hurt, but it did.

It wasn't even directed at me, and the semi-friendship I had with Beau. Amanda was just stating a fact.

Beau was a flirt, like the rest of them, just like Amanda said. I knew that. But it still felt like we had something different. A friendship Amanda hadn't had with Dane. Maybe it wasn't enough, and maybe all I'd ever have with Beau was a friendship, just like with Max. If that was the case, I'd deal with it, but until then I'd live on the hope, while still trying to keep my head in the game.

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