Chapter 10: Results and Tribulations. (Part 2)

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"Y-yes sir," she stood and straightened herself again. "There's one more thing. Tai was writing something the past few days and when his body... disappeared this was left behind." She handed over a small notebook.

Kyle took it unsure and after receiving a nod from the Captain opened it. As soon as he read the first line a spike drove into his heart. The Garden Children. It was a script for a film. Characters, dialogue, scene descriptions and small notes filled the pages of the notebook. He could tell it was recent. The dates on the pages were only set to the last few and the first page was the night they had went out to the City together. Tai had really taken his words to heart and started working on a dream outside the Garden, outside his role as a Hero Candidate.

"Thank you for bringing this to us," Kyle's words barely held together threatening to break into tears. "I'll make sure this goes to the right place."

Bethial stepped to Rin's side, "You've been through a lot Rin. Please take some rest. I'll speak with you later."

"Y-yes sir," she saluted once more before being guided out of the room.

For a while longer Kyle didn't leave the medical centre and stayed beside Lillia. There was nothing he could do except take up room but no one asked him to leave. All he could do was read through the notes Tai had left behind and wipe his eyes as he thought about a future that would never come. In the end he left alone and with heavy steps made his way back to the Garden where the children waited.


Another cross was laid down in the memorial. Though it was just one of many it doubled the amount that Kyle knew. Jana and beside her Tai. The children had laid their flowers but without Lillia there was no one to sing goodbye, instead Kara played a simple sad tune on her violin as they all held back their tears. Only a single month had passed since they came last and for the oldest of the children it was a sobering realisation that they might be next. Kyle would never forget their expressions. The determination to do better as they looked at the row upon row of crosses. Himila who held her fists tightly, Kara who played her song and Mitsu who wiped away her tears. For now Lillia was the Hero but a replacement had to go with her and one of them would be chosen. If Kyle had his way none of them ever would. Then like they had before, they all left.

Now in a private room in the Garden Maila and Kyle sat together on one side as Bethial, Reina and 1st Officer Pelmont sat on the other. Night had passed and the children were in their rooms preparing for bed leaving the adults to talk of things to come.

"I'll get straight to the point, we're in a tough spot," the Captain leaned forward with his hands tucked beneath his chin. "With Tai gone, in the worst case Lillia needs a replacement as the Hero."

Maila shook her head, "They're not ready. Himila, Kara and Mitsu aren't even fourteen yet. Tai was already an exception. He barely made it to his fifteenth."

"Combat wise I heard that Himila was already stronger than Tai," 1st Officer Pelmont noted.

"That's a different issue," Maila looked at him coldly. "They don't have enough experience."

"Then what? We can't have the Hero go to battle alone."

A tense pause broke between them as none of them wanted to answer. Kyle finally spoke, "What if I go?"

"You?" Pelmont scoffed. "The armour would crush you into meat paste."

"Then I'll make it so it won't," Kyle grit his teeth. "It's better than letting any of them go instead. Even if I can just spare them another month I'd do it!"

"That's enough Kyle," Bethial silenced him. "You would die in vain."

Kyle however kept his firm expression, "Even if I'm not a replacement for the Hero I still want to be there. Lillia, Tai and Jana, someone needs to be there to care for them."

This time Pelmont glared angrily, "And do what? This isn't a picnic. You have no combat experience or use aside from cooking. I've heard you can't even cast the simplest magic."

"Then I'll change that!" Kyle glared right back at him. "I'll do whatever it takes to make sure at the very least they won't die alone."

Maila placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, "Kyle please calm down. I know the feeling of wanting to be there but unless you can really back it up, please stay here. The children need you as well."

Under her tender words Kyle couldn't speak and simply nodded.

"Kyle does have a point however," Bethial straightened his back. "Someone needs to take up the role of Hero if anything happens to Lillia but why does it have to be the children?"

"Bethial you can't be serious," Pelmont widened his eyes. "You've seen what it can do to a normal person. You put that armour on once and you'll be a cripple for the rest of your life."

"If that's what needs to happen I'll take it in stride," he smiled at his friend softly before looking to Maila. "I'll be the replacement. If the higher ups of the church or council have problems I'll handle it. Himila, Kara and Mitsu still need time."

"Tch you idiot," Pelmont shook his head. "Here's hoping Lillia never needs one."

Maila took Bethial's hands in hers and smiled sincerely, "Thank you Bethial. I don't know if I can repay you but-."

"Repayment isn't needed," the man simply removed Maila's hands and patted them. "I'm not doing this just for the children but the sake of our world. I believe this is the best course of action for our war against the demons."

She couldn't help but laugh dryly, "Business first as usual. Still I appreciate it. You'd be sacrificing a lot."

"Well like Pelmont said, I'm hoping to never have to." His eye's turned away from Maila and to Kyle. "You look like you have something to say."

The much younger man paused unsure of himself, "I-I still want to go with Lillia the next time the demons attack. If not for her then for myself. If I'm going to take care of the children I need to know what they'll be going through."

Bethial sighed, "As much as I admire your thoughts, it would still be too dangerous." Seeing Kyle's dejection he continued, "Of course this only holds if you remain the way you are. It'll take some time but one day you'll be capable to join us. That I believe."

Kyle nodded. As much as he appreciated the Captain's words, he didn't want later, he needed to be there now. For that to happen he had to change and as the talk between them ended Kyle set his eyes onto a new path.

A World With/Out HomeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora