Just a Little Longer

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"Okay what's you're fucking problem you act like you know me when you haven't even taken the time to get to know me let alone turn to even look at me." I stormed off very hurt from his cruel and false words. Why was he being so hurtful to me I haven't done anything to him.

For some reason I was compelled to make his like me, I wanted him to like me and befriend him. I wasn't used to people not liking me and I didn't like it at all.


"Yeah well you intrigued me from the start and I didn't want to let myself get too close, it sort of scared me off at first." He scoffed at himself, shaking his head slightly.

"Izzy I already have someone." I told him the truth.

"Who is this lucky man." He chuckled being cool about it or at least he seemed.

"Keith." I only said his first name to which he nodded to.

"How come I've never seen him around?" He asked with a slight frown and knitted brows.

"That's because he's been away for sometime now, I hope to see him soon and maybe you'll get to meet him." I smiled wondering if they would get along. Surely he'd freak out that I meant Keith Richards, he is a huge fan.

That reaction will be fun, and the rest of the guys. I'm surprised Tommy or Nikki haven't said anything. I was sure they'd slip up and tell them by now.


Later into the afternoon, the sun was setting. The guys wanted to hand around town for a bit before we spent the night in the road.

We were walking around, the weather was nice and Sam came up to me with a big smile.

"Hey you go this is the number to his hotel room, he's staying there for a couple weeks call as soon as you can he's been trying to reach you and people are saying he's not being so nice about it." Sam gave me the piece of paper with the number written on it. Leave it to Keith to be sassy when he's in a mood.

"Ugh, thank you thank you thank you Sam!" I hugged him tightly and nearly ran towards the phone.

As fast as I could I dialed the number and it rang a few times, I wasn't even thinking about time zones I don't care. I need to hear his voice, God I miss him so much.

"Hello?" It was him! It was his low raspy voice that always gave me goosebumps and made my heart skip.

"Daddy!" I squealed eager to hear my lover's voice.

"Kitten!" He let out a deep chuckle at my excitement.

"Is she talking to her dad?" I could hear Duff say in a low tone in the background.

"Long story." I looked over to see Tommy shaking his head no, his lips in a hard line.

"Oh." Duff mouthed taking the hint.

"Kinky." Duff muttered, raising a brow making everyone laugh. Why are they listening in anyways.

"Who's that?" Keith's questioning voice grasped my attention and then I realized I was actually on the phone with him.

Step Daddy Keith | 18+حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن