"Luke rephrase that sentence now, or I swear I will not talk to you for the rest of the night." I glared at him, as I stepped out of the car. Only to then turn and march towards the front door. 

He huffed out a long strangled breath as he started to follow me up their drive way. "Fine. Is there a reason you dressed up tonight?" He asked, in a soft tone. Walking past me to open their front door. 

"Im always dressed up when we come to these." I said, passing him.

"I mean... is there a reason you decided to look extra... nice tonight. You almost never wear bright colors." He said, looking down on me, as I looked inside the large home.

The house was full of people. Some were in their living room, others were talking in the kitchen. Some were in the side office, and plenty were outside. All chatting amongst themselves, as some ate. 

I stepped inside and waited for Luke to follow me into the large house before I spoke again. 

"The answer to your question Luke, is yes. I am dressed up nice tonight for someone." I said, looking into his eyes. Watching as his eyebrows rose in shock, when I then smiled. "I dressed up for me." I said, patting his chest, as I walked away.

The boys should be around here somewhere, so Luke would have someone soon. Me on the other hand... I was too busy looking for a gay man in a straight crowd...

I scanned all the men in each room, looking for Father Jepson. Subconsciously noticing that Christian isn't here yet. I wonder what he was wearing. Probably something that held his torso just right, while his pants cradled his thighs with care. It's not like him to show up places late, he's always extremely punctual. I mean...He said he was going to come, so he should be here soon. It's not like him to—

"Jepson!" I quickly said, interrupting my own thoughts, as I saw the homely man. 

He quickly turned around, and his entire body relaxed at the sight of me. He was huddled in a corner full of women. Each one looking at him as a fresh piece of meat. 

"Ladies, would you excuse us?" I asked, walking up to stand beside Father Jepson. "I promised my mother I would grab Father, and bring him to her before he starts the night." I smiled. Looking at all the house wives botoxed faces start to slightly pinch in discomfort, at the idea of me taking away a single man...

"Why, yes dear..." One of the ladies shot out, as I started to lightly pull Father Jepson away.

"Just tell Nikki we want him back once she's done." Another one shot out, making the rest of them giggle. I gave a polite smile, and internally grimaced at the sight of them trying to smile back.

I pulled Jepson by fabric of his collard shirt, towards a secluded corner of the living room. Trying to hide us from all the hungery cougars of our neighborhood.

"Jesus, father! The least you could do is tell them you're not interested." I said, finally turning to face him. 

"Well you'd think they'd get that idea after, I stayed quite for the past ten minutes." He said, looking down onto the part of the shirt I grabbed. Smoothing out the subtle wrinkles. 

"You know that's not how these women work. You have to be direct." I said, patting down the fabric on the side of his arm, that I wrinkled.

"Oh really? And what exactly would I tell them Alex?" He asked, still overly concerned with the wrinkled fabric.

"Hmmm. I don't know." I said, leaning into the side of his face. "Maybe something along the lines of you're into the same sex they are?" I whispered to him, as i stifled a laugh.

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