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Michaella Francisco

"So why are you busy?" Andrea Paula Meneses asked while looking at me while eating her french fries. I shrugged at her and smiled, particularly there's nothing special that has been bothering me. It's just that my body won't cooperate to socialize with them.

"Michaella Francisco, tell me. I keep on messaging you but you never texted me back. You're keeping something from me right? Maybe tea?" She asked, making me smile and still shrugged.

"Chill down Andrea, I don't have tea at the moment. It's just that my body won't budge on socializing to this world. Atsaka, you know I'm a busy person right? We've been together since highschool." Palusot ko while dipping my fries on the ketchup.

"Yeah right, busy doing nothing but simping to characters that's not real." Andrea retorted, making me laugh. "Hey! Don't say that. I'm a STEM student, I also have things on my shoulder! Don't mess with fictional characters!" I said while laughing.

"You know what, I found this Guy. He was hot and charming, he asked if he could court me and I said yes because why not? I hooked a big fish this time babes. And he even calls me every time. Isn't he sweet?" Andrea excitedly said to me while she's fanning herself with her hand.

I just don't get this girl so much. A moment where she experienced a heartbreak, the next day she's okay and spends her time looking for another love interest. Isn't she tired of all the breakups she experienced?

"Aren't you supposed to be studying?" I asked, doubting her. It doesn't mean I don't trust her, well just 75 percent though. I mean, I'm just doubting her answers because if she experienced another breakup this time, I swear I'm not gonna advise some word of peace to her for the nth time. My advices went directly to the waste this past years of consoling her not to do some b*llshit again.

"Have you forgotten that I'm always in control whenever study gets on me? It's okay. I'm chilling right now after all the stress I experienced. God. Anyways I'm sure about this guy. He's gonna be the love of my life." She proudly said to me while her eyes were glistening.

"I'm still doubting you. If that boy turns out to be playing with you, I swear on my nursing career Andrea, I'm not gonna console you. It's like my advice goes to the waste area." I jokingly said which made her chuckle.

"I'm sorry babes. I really can't help it, especially with this guy. He's too hot!" She exclaimed and grabbed her phone, searching for something. She's scrolling through her phone while tapping with excitement.

She then held the phone in front of my face as I backed away a little because girl, that hurts! "Chill! I ain't running away!" I said.

I eyed her phone and true to her words, this guy was screaming hot. He looks like a model and a college student. But someone can't be this hot!

"True to your words. Yes he's hot. Girl you bag the biggest salmon this year." I said while looking at her in shock. Where the h*ll did she find this boy?

Andrea smiled at me and focused on talking about her life. But I don't even feel like listening to her words of wisdom. Andrea has been my best friend since highschool. We've linked ourselves with each other and throughout the years, we never experienced anything that made our relationship sink.

First of all, I am Michaella Francisco, a STEM student and currently studying at Xavier University. My dream in life is to pursue Nursing since nobody in my family was a Nurse. So I decided to be a Nurse. The first Nurse in my family.

"Are you listening?" She asked while looking at me with her eyes almost closed. Well, I scratched the back of my head and smiled perfectly like I need to lie about this. "Yes of course." I said while doing my perfect lying. "Didn't expect to see both of you here. How's it doing?" Someone said.

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