Chapter 9

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It's been only a week since I found out I was pregnant. Luckily we have spring break this up coming week. Which will give me some time to process things better. I am snapped out of my daze at the bell ringing, signaling that spring break has finally begun. As I start to make my way to the door, someone grabs my arm. Turning around I realize that it's only Peeta.

"Katniss are you okay? You've been avoiding me lately, what's wrong. What did I do?" Peeta says concerned. I look into his pleading eyes. I can't keep this from him he deserves to know. He is the father after all.

"You did nothing wrong." I say.

"Then what's wrong?" He ask.

"I'll tell you, just not here. I will tell you when we get to my house okay." I say in a hushed tone.

"Okay." He says.

We walk to his car and get in. The whole car ride was silent, not even music was playing. When we arrive at my house I silently get out. I don't make a sound until me and Peeta are in my room, and he shuts the door.

"Okay, tell me what's wrong." He says looking into my silver grey eyes.

"Peeta I-I-umm." I say starting to stutter. I don't know how to say this. Come on Katniss you can do this!

"Katniss you can tell me I won't be mad or leave you I promise. Come on tell me please." He pleads.

"I'm pregnant." I say with my voice bareky above a whisper but loud enough for Peeta to hear me.

"Katniss are you gonna keep it?" I look at his face surprised that this is the first thing that comes out of his mouth. How could he question if I woul keep our child. I will not kill my child so abortion is not an option. I can't give up mine and Peeta's kid, I know I would regret it. On the plus side I know our baby would have the best life with Peeta being the father. I look up at Peeta, he looks as if i'm going to say no.

"Yes, I couldn't kill our child or even give it up. I would regret both decisions." Peeta pulls me into a tight hug. "Thank you Katniss." He says at the verge of tears. I opened my mouth to reply but I quickly close it. I didn't want to destroy this moment. We both lay on my bed talking about the baby.

"Who are we going to tell?".he ask all giddy.

"I don't know, Annie already knows. We will tell the whole group after my doctors appointment. Oh that reminds me I have an appointment tomorrow at one." I say.

"Don't worry i'll be there. When are you gonna tell Haymitch?" As Peeta says that I hear the front door open and close, signaling that Haymitch is hear.

"Well I guess now, or I won't be able to tell him later." Me and Peeta go downstairs to the living room. We see Haymitch on the couch and he looks like he's in a good mood, what perfect timing.

"Hey Haymitch." I say standing a few feet from him holding Peeta's hand.

"Hey sweetheart, what do you and lover boy want?" He says smiling at the fact I have finally met someone he approves of and makes me happy.

"Haymitch I know you might be disappointed at me but it was an accident I swear!" I say. Looking down at my feet I whisper "I'm pregnant."

There was silence for what seemed like eternity until Haymitch spoke up breaking the silence.

"Sweetheart I am disappointed in you but I knew this was probably gonna happen. After all you both are young and it is expected. Though after what you've been through and since Peeta's the father i'm not angry. Although by your twenty second birthday you have to leave. You got it." He says sternly.

"Yes Haymitch, thank you!" I say hugging him.

"No problem sweetheart." I let go and me and Peeta walk back up to my room. When we get there we lay down on my bed. We start to talk about baby names.

"What about Willow, you know to keep the tradition going." Peeta says.

"That sounds good I like it and what about Rye for a boy?" I say.

"Yea that sounds good, what about middle names?" Peeta ask.

"Lets wait until he or she is here. I want us to see what he or she looks like. So we can see what name fits best." I say.

"When did my Katniss become so smart?" Peeta says chuckling. I just smile and laugh a little and snuggle closer to him. We both fall asleep there in each others arms. Protecting each other from what might come.

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