Chapter 4

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I wake up screaming and sweating and I realize that it wasn't real it was only a nightmare. I keep reliving the moment my mom, dad, and poor sweet prim died. She was to young, at the thought of her, tears threaten to spill. I only shed a few before wiping them away. When I look to my right at my clock it's only six in the morning. I try to go to sleep but the sun starts to rise. The light shines on my face so I decide to get up. I brush my hair and just leave it down in its naturally wavy state. I put on a shirt and some jeans with some vans and head downstairs. When I reach the kitchen I am very surprised to see Haymitch this early in the morning. He is just sitting at the table while drinking his coffee. He finally looks up to see me.

"Hey sweetheart" He says with a somewhat smile.

"Hey" I say as I go to grab an apple.

"Well i'm gonna be at a friends, you think you'll be fine by yourself"

"Yea, can I have a few friend over?" I ask

"Sure just don't have too much fun, see you tomorrow" he says chuckling.

I punch him playfully on his arm. When he finally leaves I text Peeta. I know everyone else is with there boo, bae, or whatever.

So I text Peeta,

"Hey this is Katniss, I was wondering if you could come over for a movie or something?" Within seconds after he replies with,

"Yea sure be over in ten."

I look in the mirror making sure I look presentable and then I hear the door bell. Wow, that was fast. I say to myself as I walk over to the door and open it to see Peeta with his bright smile.

"Hey, Peeta come in." I say sweetly.

"Thanks, so what do you want to do?" He ask while looking around.

"Why don't you go pick a movie while I make popcorn." I say heading to the kitchen.

"Okay." He says walking towards the DVD player.

I walk in the kitchen and make some popcorn. When I go to the living room I see Peeta. I just stand there admiring him. How his hair is a shiny golden blond and his muscles. They are huge, probably from lifting stuff from the bakery. I am snapped out of my daze when Peeta snaps his fingers in my face.

"Hey Katniss earth to Katniss!" He says chuckling.

"Huh?" I say not knowing what he said.

"Is Divergent okay?" He ask.

"Yea sure" I say not caring what we watch.

We both walk over to the couch. He sits on my left with the popcorn bowl in the middle of us. Eventually I doze off. When I awake, I see Peeta shaking me.

"Katniss! Katniss are you okay?" he ask worriedly.

"Yea, just a nightmare" I say, my voice being raspy from me screaming.

"Okay" he says in a gentle whispering voice. As he goes to sit back on the other side I stop him.

"Stay with me?" I day hopefully.

"Always." he says smiling at the end.

He lays down and wraps his arms around my waist. I put my head on his chest and listen to his heart beat then I slowly doze off into a peaceful sleep.

I wake up and see Peeta getting up. I look at the clock and it is almost five.

"Hey, Peeta what are you doing?" I ask.

"Oh I was gonna go get some cloths and stuff from my house." he says.

"Oh okay." I say with disappointment in my voice.

"I will bring something to eat too for us." he says trying to cheer me up.

"Thanks." I say.

"Your welcome." he says giving me his million dollar smile.

I see him walk out the door and I miss him already. I know it has barely been a week but I think I have fallen for Peeta Mellark.

I am sitting and watching TV when I hear the door open and close. I turn my head to see Peeta with a bag of cheese buns and another bag that I assume has his stuff in it.

"Hey." he says walking up to me.

"Hey, it took you long enough." I say laughing a little.

"Yea sorry, I brought your favorite, cheese buns!" he says with excitement in his voice.

"Yay, i'm starving, give me!" I say happily.

"Ok, ok, hold on." he says putting his hands up.

He hands me the bag and I grab two cheese buns and start eating them quickly.

"Wow are you starved!" he says astonished.

"No." I say with my mouth full and hit him playfully. We continue with our conversations and endless laughter. After we are done it's around nine. I'm so glad we have Monday off. So once again I am in Peeta's warm and protective embrace. I know now that I love Peeta Mellark for sure.

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