Chapter 1

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I wake up to a bright light shining on my face. Groaning I get up and get dressed for school. Why do I even go? I ask myself. I have zero friends. The people I loved are gone. Why, just why did I have to survive. It's not like anyone cares about me anyway. I head downstairs to the kitchen. Upon reaching the kitchen I see no Haymitch like always. He's always in his room recovering from a hangover. The only time he comes out is for food. I sigh and grab an apple then eat it and head out the door for school. I hope I slammed that door hard enough to wake him up.

As I make my way to school I see a red headed girl and a girl with jet black hair walking towards me. U I don't need friends or any social interaction right now, just walk away please! I say to myself. They keep coming closer and closer. I start to head to a different direction but then the red head screams "Hey!" I pretend like I didn't hear them and continue to walk away from them. Then right as I think I am in the clear I hear the re head shout again "Hey!" I try to ignore them but they both ran up to me. Well looks like i'm screwed.

"Hey i'm Annie and this is my friend Johanna!" This so called Annie says a little too cheery for my liking.

"Well i'm Katniss and don't need any friends" I say trying to dodge them.

"You have no choice." Annie says while grabbing a hold of my arm and pulling me with her.

"So you will sit with us and our group." Why can't Annie just leave me alone. The last thing I need is more people in my life.

"Do I have to?" I ask.

"Yes." Annie says bluntly.

"Why?" I say.

"Because, I know you need people like us." She says.

"Who said I need people like you. I am just fine being alone." I state.

This time Johanna speaks up "Stop being so stubborn. Trust me you need us. I was just like you not long ago. I denied that I needed them but when I got to know everyone I then realized that I needed them more than I ever thought."

At Johanna's response I just shut my mouth and let Annie pull me along to school.

After hours of boring lecturing comes lunch that I always dread for obvious reasons. I look down and walk to get my lunch hopping those girls from this morning don't see me. Just after I get my lunch I hear Johanna yell "Yo brainless over hear!" Well fuck! I ignore the nick name and start walking towards their table. I sit down between Annie and Johanna then Annie starts introducing me to her friends.

"Everyone this is Katniss and Katniss this is Peeta." she says motioning to the blond and blue eyed boy in front of me. "This is Finnick." she says as she points to the one with bronze hair and green eyes on her left. "Lastly Gale." She says pointing to the guy on the right side of Peeta. I guess that's his name. They all say "Hi!" and I nervously say with a weak and shaky breath "Hi." As I eat my food I hear them all talking about a sleep over. "Katniss, are you gonna join us?" Peeta says. "Sure, when is it?" I ask. "Friday at six. It is going to be at my house though." Annie says handing me her address. The rest of lunch is filled with useless chatter. When the bell rings I look up to leave and I see Peeta staring at me. Creepy, I look away and head to my next and final class.

The bell rings signaling that class is over and so is school. I grab my bag and hurriely head out of the class hoping I don't bump into any of my "friends". I successfully make it home without bumping into any of them. I open the door to my house and see that everything is spotless. I look to my left and see Haymitch drinking a cup of tea. "Are you okay?" I ask shocked. "I'm fine sweetheart. I just realized I need to be the person you need right now and not some ignorant selfish jerk. Also I saw you talking to some girls this morning." he says nonchalantly. "Yea, looks like I have friends now. Oh, can I go over to her house friday for a sleep over?" I ssk hopefully. "Sure, just be safe." he says. "Thanks." I say. "You're welcome sweetheart." he says smiling. I don't know what really gotten into him but I know I will find out later. I head upstairs to my bedroom and start getting ready for bed but before I sleep I grab something to eat. Finished eating I crawl under my covers and let sleep consume me.

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