Chapter 2

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So far school has been great, especially since it's Friday. I guess Johanna was right so far.

When the bell rang for my last class. I basically ran out the doors of the classroom and school. Quickly I make my way home. When I get there I head upstairs to my bedroom and change. I ended up putting on a black flowing blouse with dark blue skinny jeans and a pair of black flats. Along with a few other accessories. I let my hair down from my braid letting my natural curls cascade down my back. Then I apply a little mascara and eyeliner. After that I grab my phone and my bag that consist of cloths, makeup, and other essentials. When I get downstairs I  yell "I'm leaving!" As I head out the door. I walked fast as I could and I arrived in five minutes at Annie's door. I examine her house. Her house is so huge that it looked almost as big as a mansion. I go to knock on the door but the door opens and reveals Finnick with a big grin plastered on his face.

"Well hello Katniss, ready for some fun?" He says playfully seductive.

"Sure, but I wonder what Annie will say when I tell her you tried to seduce me?" I say putting my hands on my hips and raising my left eyebrow.

"Okey dokey, well now that I know for sure you are not a slut come on in the girls are in the kitchen." he says opening his arms wide while opening the door.

"Thanks. Oh, did you do this Johanna?" I ask before I walk in.

"Yes, and that resulted in a threat to kill me." He says in horror on his face. I just laugh and head in.

I make my way towards the kitchen. When I see the girls they look at me and wave for me to come over. I make my way over to the kitchen a little nervous though.

"Well if it isn't brainless herself" Johanna says. I role my eyes at the nickname.

"Yep, the one and only" I say making a pose causing them all to laugh including me. For once I am going to try and be happy.

"Nice to see you Katniss, ready to party." Annie says.

"Never been more ready" I say with fake enthusiasm while trying to suppress my nervousness. I've never really talked to people let alone get invited to something. Just before another word could be said we hear a knock at the door.

"Well great, oh looks like everyone is hear come on lets go!" Annie squeals.

We all make our way over towards the living room where the boys are.

"Who wants to play truth O'dair!" Finnick yells excitingly.

Everyone agrees and sits in a circle. Annie is on my left along with Finnick. Peeta is on my right along with Johanna, an Gale is in front of me. Finnick then spins the bottle and guess out of all people who it lands on. Me!

"So kitty truth O'dair?" Finnick says with a mischievous grin plastered on his lips.

"Dare." I say confidently.

"Ok kitty, I O'dair you to sit in the hottest boys lap for the rest of the game." Finnick says. That all he's got? No problem.

"Fine no problem." I say. I look around and tap my finger on my chin, to make it look like i'm thinking really hard. I stand up and walk over to Peeta and sit in his lap. All the guys wolf whistle, clap, and give Peeta pats on the back while congratulating him for I don't know what reason. I start to blush because of all the attention and the fact that i'm in a really cute boy's lap. I spin the bottle and it lands on Finnick, yes! Time for payback!

"So fish boy pick your poison." I say with a big grin plastered on my face.

"Dare! I ain't no sissy." Finnick says puffing out his chest. By doing this it gives him a heroic look.

"Ok you have to make out with...Gale." I say laughing evilly.

"No way!" Finnick says taking of his shirt. I start laughing. His face was so hilarious it caused everyone else to break in laughter. He didn't even hesitate which made it funnier too me.

"I didn't now you had it in you kitty." He says astonished.

"Well don't underestimate people, especially me." I say giggling.

I smile and lean back into Peeta's chest and he wraps his arms around me. Everyone just smiles. Which creeps me out a bit, but oh well. The game goes on for another hour. By then everyone seems to have majority of their cloths on, except Finnick. Lets just say that was the most interesting game I have ever played. After we eat pizza we decided on a movie called Insidious. Finnick puts it in and all of us gather onto Annie's giant couch. Me and Peeta sit a few inches apart from each other.

By the end of the movie I end up snuggled into Peeta's chest, scared from the movie. I stay snuggled into Peeta's chest for the rest of the night. I don't know what it is but hi embrace makes me feel safe and comforted. Just like when my dad hugged me. I let sleep consume me and for once I have a nightmare free sleep.

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