BONUS 1: Wedding Bells

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"I respect that", he smiled understandingly. "We will do everything according to the traditions before, during and after the wedding", he beamed a sinful smile as he emphasised on the word 'after'.

"Thankyou", I chuckled. This handsome and silly man is mine.

My wedding date brought a bitter-sweet feeling. I was happy that I was getting married to the love of my life and I was sad that none of our parents were going to be a part of that. Taehyung's mother couldn't join us and my mother didn't want to. I don't know if I will ever be able to forgive myself for when I expressed to Tae that I needed my mom to be in my wedding. I was hoping for my very own happy ending but real life isn't like a movie.

Tae had gone to see and convince my mother to come to our wedding. My man had put aside his ego and literally begged her to bless us but she didn't. She made it very clear that she wouldn't show up at our wedding no matter what. I hated myself to put him in that place where he decided to put himself down in front of my mother in an attempt to convince her to be a part of our wedding. All I had done was to mention my dream of having my family attend my wedding and I didn't have the slightest clue he would do something like that.

On the other hand, Taehyung's mother couldn't attend our wedding but we had her blessings from the start. He took me to see her the day after he proposed me. She was so happy that she was in tears when she gave me the biggest bear hug. I hoped we could have her with us. I still remember how happy she was when we finally inaugurated the Han Riverside Home for Destitute. It was her only dream to have a home for people with no family at the place where she had the most beautiful memories of Taehyung and his father. We had arranged for a video call when we inaugurated the building and I will never forget her happy face when she saw her son to cut the ribbon to her dream project.

The only parent figure we were going to have in our wedding was Maria. She had pulled me close to her heart when she found me sobbing over the fact that my mother didn't want anything to do with my wedding. She told me to never think that I will get married without the presence of a parent because she was there. It was true. She has always been here. Always right beside Taehyung and I as our biggest supporter.

By the way, tonight was going to be my bachelor's party. Since we have a lot of common guy friends, Tae and I decided we were going to have our respective parties on different nights. His was yesterday and mine was tonight. Jimin said he would spy on Tae to make sure he behaves on his bachelor's party and I heard no negative reviews. My man drank a lot and had a lot of fun but not once did he look at someone else. I was so happy when Jimin told me Tae passed this little test with flying colours.

"Sweetheart, you gotta behave tonight. Okay?", Tae told me.

"I will"

"Don't do anything I wouldn't"

"I won't"

"Be a good boy"

"I always am", I pouted making him chuckle.

"And most importantly...", he pulled me closer again and whispered in my ear, "I don't want anyone touching what's mine", he said with such authority that gave me goosebumps all over my skin. I didn't need a reminder to let me know I belonged to him but there it was.

"I will behave. I promise", I pressed a kiss on his cheek and left for the party.

I had expected the bachelor's party to be just friends, booze and games but Hoseok hyung had other plans. He invited a couple of male stripers. Yes. I know. Bad idea.

I entered the party halls to find them dancing around a poll and I saw Hoseok hyung beaming at me. "Surprise!", he yelled.

"What the heck?!", I yelled back.

His Man | Taekook ☑Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon