"The Council's dead, Liz" Avy smirked raising his drink "I see that as a win"

"I've known some of the Council since I was a kid" Liz defended "They were my friends"

"Well, your friends tried to kill your daughter" Avy retorted.

Damon narrowed his eyes as he watched a dark-skinned man approaching them.

"Who's the new guy?" Damon asked.

"Excuse me, Sheriff, hi, um, I was wondering if I could speak to you for a minute about the explosion at the Young farm" The man began.

"I'm sorry, Mr..?" Liz began.

"Oh, Connor Jordan" He held his hand out, shaking her hand.

"Are you with the insurance investigators?" Liz asked.

"No, no, I'm more of an independent contractor" Connor answered, glancing at Avy and Damon "Can we speak in private?"

"Sure" Liz nodded.

"Nice to meet you too, Mr Busybody Guy" Avy raised an eyebrow as they moved away.


Avy rolled his eyes as Elena moved to sit beside Damon.

"Did you do it?" She questioned.

"That seat's taken" Damon stated.

"But there's no one here" Elena furrowed her brows.

"Well, I'm just going to pretend like there's someone there, because the alternative is just too damn depressing" Damon sighed.

Elena moved to sit beside Avy.

"Did you set off the explosion that killed the Town Council?" Elena questioned.

"Are we wearing our "I Blew Up The Council" t-shirts, why does everybody keep asking us that?" Damon hissed.

"Did you?" Elena raised her brows.

"No" Damon answered.

Elena turned to Avy.

"No, I didn't, but I wish I did" Avy smirked.

"Anything else?" Damon asked.

"Yes, something's wrong" Elena sighed "I can't keep any of the animal blood down"

"Well, there's a shock" Avy rolled his eyes.

"I think I need your help" Elena pleaded.

" Of course you do, pick your meal" Damon pointed to people sat around the restaurant "You've got Asian fusion, Mexican"

"What about some good old American comfort food?" Avy asked.

"No, no, no human blood" Elena shook her head "Stefan's right, I have to at least try to get through this without hurting anyone"

BLESSED - CURSED • ELIJAH MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now