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Lizzie POV

Life since I graduated has been okay. Not great, but okay. I went straight into filming Godzilla with Joss Whedon and Aaron Taylor Johnson. My role is pretty small but I'm still thankful for the experience.

While I was filming, I was also getting to know my old co-star a little bit better. We have been friends since Very Good Girls, but recently, he's been a little more forward.

He asked me out on a date.

I know there have been rumors about us since we met, but I ignored them because I had Y/N. Something about the whole thing makes me think Rhonda started the rumors but I don't really have any proof.

Anyway, Boyd asked me out on a date and I don't really know how to respond. So I didn't. I don't know what to do in these situations. It was so easy with Y/N but now that she's not in my life I feel like I'm reverting back to a social anxiety ball. I always have been but it's heightened now.

I just want to feel some sort of comfort.

When Boyd calls me a day after asking me out, I accept. I don't particularly enjoy myself but I can't really tell him that. It's mean. He also doesn't know that I just lost the love of my life.

Despite my lack of feelings, I let him try his best to take me out and try to date again.

Eventually, I stop pretending and let myself develop some feelings.

I feel bad that I was dishonest with him for so long, but at least I have actual feelings now right? I still feel like my heart is somewhere else, but maybe time will make it better.

When Y/N's birthday comes, I make sure to send her a bouquet of sunflowers. It made me happy when she sent them for my birthday and I got them on set. I don't know how she pulled that off but it was really sweet. I'm all the way in Vancouver filming Godzilla but she made it happen.

Aaron Taylor Johnson has been amazing. He's like my brother now which is a little weird since we are dating in the movie, but off screen he's a sweetheart that I love to hang out with.

Boyd gets jealous but it isn't cute. It was cute when Y/N got possessive though.

Fuck, I really need to stop comparing them.

I'm only really with him to get over Y/N and I feel horrible about it but what else am I supposed to do?

By the time I'm done filming for Godzilla I already secured another role. Joss approached Aaron and I about a role for twins. He saw how much we got along and our natural chemistry so he pitched the Maximoff twins to us.

My immediate thought was how much Y/N loves the superhero's movies. I said I would never be in one, but it actually seems really cool. I do my research on the character and after he assures me that I won't be wearing the comic accurate costume, I agree.

Marvel is a huge company and it's still growing. Getting into this franchise is exactly what I need to be secure in my career. I will be able to do whatever the fuck I want to do. And maybe, Y/N will see that I didn't hate her superhero movies too much.

Am I taking this role for her? Maybe. But also for me too. And I get to hang out with Aaron more. I get to join a cast that is full of stars that I can learn from.

So I take the role and it gets announced while I'm filming another film, In Secret. This film is dark and twisted and really fun. It kind of reminds me of how I started out with Silent house and Martha Marcy May Marlene, yet it's still different. It's twisted like Oldboy and just confirms that I like to play dark twisty roles. Sad depressed girl is my thing apparently.

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