46 ~ The Hamptons

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It's officially summer and I'm very excited. Lizzie is letting me keep my college stuff in her apartment and we are going on a weekend trip to the Hamptons that she got for her birthday before I head to Boston. We are currently packing for the trip and by we I mean she is.

I'm lounging on her bed and watching her closely, memorizing the way she moves. She looks up at me and catches my stare, a blush covering her cheeks. "Bug, what are you doing?" She asks.

"Staring at you." I answer simply.

"I see that...why?" She asks, her focus back on making sure we both have enough shorts and shirts.

"Because you're beautiful." I reply, my smile growing at her rosy red cheeks.

"You're a charmer." She sighs and runs her hand through her hair. I notice she packs my old journal and I smile.

"You still have that?" I ask and she nods.

"Of course I do. It's my favorite thing ever." She shares and it makes my heart hope. Maybe we will last through whatever comes. She seems to think so.

"You're cute." I comment and roll off the bed to pull her into a hug.

"You're cuter. Now what else do you need to pack? Did you bring a bathing suit?" She asks as she pulls away scanning the clothing all over her bed.

"Uh, nope." I realize. "I don't really own one." I explain and she looks at me like I'm crazy.

"We need to go shopping for a few then. We are going to be on the beach all weekend." She explains so I shrug.

"Mkay. Let's go." I prompt and hold out my hand for her. She pauses her folding and smiles.

"I didn't mean right now but okay." She agrees. We get our shoes on and head to the nearest clothing store. She picks out a few for me to try on and it's interesting to see what she wants to see me in.

"She's are tiny Elizabeth." I point out. She hums in thought and picks a few different cuts and a few one pieces.

"Better?" She asks and I nod.

"Better." I confirm. She puts up a little fit that she isn't allowed to come into the changing room with me but honestly it's for the best with how handsy she is. I love that she can't keep her hands to herself. It makes me feel really good.

I decide on a few one pieces that don't make me look like a child and we check out. She pays for them but I don't say anything. The last time I commented on her buying something for me she freaked out on me. It's really cute that she wants to make sure I'm taken care of even though I prefer to pay for my own things.

Once we get back to the apartment we finish packing and head to bed since we are headed out early in the morning.

The Hamptons are an interesting place. The whole area screams money and I feel kind of out of place. I notice that Lizzie also feels that way with how her posture is slightly slumped as we check into the hotel.

She has money and she comes from money, but she's extremely down to earth about her status. She works hard every day and is extremely humble in everything she does. Once we settle into the room we get out bathing suits on, ready to spend some quality time together on the beach.

The waves unexpectedly inspire melodies in my head and I search around for my journal. I don't find it but I find one of Lizzie's. "Lizard? Can I use this?" I ask and she nods once she peeks over from her peaceful tanning.

"Music?" She asks.

"Yup." I confirm and flip through until I find a free page. I notice that pages are torn out and frown in confusion. "Is this the journal you brought to Russia?" I ask.

See You Later ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now