58 ~ Avengers

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I'll admit, I've been better. But I'm doing okay. I'm working a lot and actually having fun. I'm learning to be alone again and not feel lonely. It's a struggle but I'm getting there.

Lizzie is officially out of school and probably filming somewhere. I don't really know and I'm trying to not look it up.

It's springtime in the city which means it's either nice as fuck outside or really fucking cold and rainy. There is no in between. On nice days, I go to the park to write instead of sitting in the studio.

We are still working on Ed's album which is kind of a mixture between his experiences and mine. It's really cool working on one project and not fifty different things at once.

I was right in thinking this would give me more agency at Sony. Ed has done wonders for my work schedule and mental health honestly. I've been given more freedom to make my own schedule and there are actually artists that want to work with me now. It's a good development and I don't hate work.

Even though everything seemed so final, I still feel my heart pulling her direction for some type of closure. I just don't know what. I wrote this song that I really want her to hear so she knows everything is going to be okay, but I don't know how to go about playing it for her.

I don't even know where she is. She's filming something somewhere. I guess I could ask her sisters. Or google her but I really don't feel like it. I don't want to be the stalker ex.

"Dude just look it up. You said Godzilla was next right? She's probably doing that right now." Pam reminds me and I nod.

"Am I dumb for still thinking about her every minute of every day?" I ask.

"No, dumbass. It's called love." She reminds me, swatting the back of my head.

"Love is patient. Love is kind." I murmur to myself.

"The fuck are you saying?" Pam asks before taking a bite of her sandwich.

"Nothing...just something Lizzie and I talked about when we decided to try again. It's this poem thing...or bible verse I don't know." I explain and she nods in understanding.

"Love is fucking weird." She decides and I laugh. Pam is great.

The weeks continue to pass by as we put the finishing touches on the album. Slowly I feel myself moving on from the hurt, but I still think we made the right decision. We couldn't grow together and I still have a lot of growing to do. I may never fall out of love with her, but I can't hold her back just like she can't hold me back.

Maybe our timing will be right at some point.

When my birthday comes, I find a bouquet of sunflowers at my doorstep and smile softly. I did the same for her birthday and it makes me smile that she returned the gesture. There isn't a card but I don't need one. I asked the twins where she was filming so I could send them to the right place. She's all the way in Vancouver and a part of me wonders if that's why my heart feels so small, she's so far away.

The album is released in June and I get to go to the album release party. I meet a bunch of cool people and Ed really talks me up. I thank the lord I made business cards so I could give them to people when they asked for them.

I spend the rest of the summer outside, still writing songs for me and for others. I find myself in the studio recording a demo of the song I want Lizzie to hear, but still battle with how to show it to her.

I don't want to just send it to her. I want to see her and give us that closure in person. Instead of doing the simple thing and texting her, I go to her sisters again.

See You Later ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now