52 ~ Go Ahead

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Every day feels so monotonous. I'm writing words I don't feel anything for. Despite how much I'm learning I'm not happy and I don't know what to do. I'm still some no name producer that doesn't have any reputation and I don't know if I have what it takes to make it in this business.

Every day I struggle to go to work. I count down the minutes until I can return home to talk to Lizzie. She makes everything seem worth it. She tries her best to encourage me and reminds me that this industry isn't easy. That I have to work to get to where I want to be.

Pam is doing her best finding artists within the labels that seem to have the same vibe as me. She's honestly an angel and it's helping keep me sane. I want to get to the place where artists want to work with me though, and don't have to settle for me just because I'm the only person available.

It's hard sometimes to listen to Lizzie about everything that's going on for her. She's so far ahead of me and is continuing to get opportunities every day. She got confirmation that she will be in Godzilla. I mean she gets to work with Spike Lee on Oldboy too. It's fucking wild.

I'm so proud of her, but I can't help but envy her a little. I visit her on set whenever I can as her best friend. It's hard to keep my hands and lips off her when she looks so cute all the time. But it's what I agreed to. I think back to that conversation with Rhonda a lot and how she basically tricked me into signing. What a bitch.

Lizzie knows that I'm struggling and she's doing her best to give me all the love she can. She makes sure we have time together every evening to talk about our days or random stuff from our childhood. I love having her to come home to, it's the highlight of my day.

Today on set, I met this guy named Boyd. Apparently he's the boy in the love triangle in the movie and he kind of makes me uneasy. I don't know what it is about him but he gives me weird vibes. It could also be becasue he flirts with Dakota and Lizzie all the fucking time. He also has horrible hair.

Lizzie is a sweetheart and doesn't really realize what he's doing. But I do. I can't do anything about it though because then I would be talking about our relationship that "doesn't exist". It makes me so frustrated but I don't bring it up. Whenever I bring up the NDA Lizzie gets so red in the face with anger.

She's been looking into getting a new agent. She's about had it with Rhonda and I don't blame her.

I have to stay late tonight at the studio so I text Lizzie so she knows. I don't know when I'll be done with this song but it's due in the morning and I refuse to submit anything half ass.

Pam stays with me to keep me sane. I can tell she isn't having the time of her life either and I promise her every day that we will figure out how to get where we want to be at some point. She assures me that she isn't going anywhere and it makes me feel better knowing I'll always have her.

I finish the song and type in the name Thinking Out Loud before sending it to my supervisor person. I was told to write a song about being in love with someone and thinking about a future together. So I thought about Lizzie and got cheesy with it. Once I send it in I walk with Pam to the subway and we head our separate ways home after a tight hug.

I come home to Lizzie on the couch, sleeping as something plays on the TV. I notice my guitar in her lap and tilt my head in confusion. I carefully take it from her grasp and set it on the stand in the corner before scooping her up into my arms. She hums and slowly snuggles into my chest.

When I sit down on the edge of our bed she yawns and leans back, her sleepy eyes opening slightly. An adorable lazy smile grows on her lips as she sighs and rests her head back onto my shoulder.  "Hey Lizard." I greet.

See You Later ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now