33 ~ Conflicted

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"Pam, leave me alone." I walk away from her as she follows me around the apartment.

"No. Not until you tell me what you're going to do about Lizzie." She pesters me and i sigh. "It's been a week Y/N and you haven't said a word about it." She points out.

"Because I don't know what to do. Half of me wants to be there for her while the other half hates her fucking guts." I explain and she nods.

"I understand, but Y/N...I know you. I know it's tearing you apart that you don't know how she's doing. I also know that you haven't slept well since she told you." She calls me out.

"You think I should talk to her? After what she did to me?" I clarify and she shrugs.

"I think it's a difficult situation." She replies.

"It's not though. She hurt me, she got hurt and it has nothing to do with me," I argue lightly

"You know that's bullshit. It has everything to do with you. She feels like she deserved to be hit because of what she did to you, to her it's all about you." She explains.

"That's not my problem. She's not my problem, she made sure of it." I shake my head and continue to grab my shit so I can go to class.

"You know what she's going through, she trusts you. You can't tell me you don't want to help her." She speaks from my doorway as my hand curls around the door knob to the front door.

"I also wanted her to come home and tell me she loved me...but that didn't happen either." I mutter before opening the door and starting my walk to campus.

The entire way my mind goes back and forth on what I want to do. I feel like the more I try to avoid her the more I think about her. I can't escape her. I'm still holding onto her despite what she's done and what she's said because I fucking care about her. I know what she's going through and it fucking sucks. I hate that I want to be there for her.

Fuck. I sigh as I pull out my phone and find her name.

Bug: Hey, want to meet up Friday afternoon? In the park?

Elizabeth: Sure, see you then.

I lock my phone and focus on getting to class. My classes are all really cool. I have a few music history classes for specific time periods and the usual music theory and private composition sections. I'm taking a songwriting and criticism class which is my favorite and lastly, Fundamentals of Music Technology. I'm so fucking excited for my future it's insane.

The rest of the week goes smoothly now that I know I'll have eyes on Lizzie. All she does is stress me out. Friday comes quickly and I enjoy my quiet time in the park before she shows up. It's kind of nice that the thought of seeing her doesn't make me nervous or any other strong emotion. I feel indifferent at this point.

Lizzie seems very timid and jumpy though. I watch as she makes her way closer to me through the crowds of people. I frown as she tries to navigate through people that bump into her on accident. It's like watching a human pinball machine. At every slight brush from a stranger she passes she jumps back.

I get up and walk towards her to save her from the people around her, I can see the panic in her eyes and it makes me incredibly sad. "Hey, you're okay." I greet and grab her wrist, guiding her over to a free bench.

"Sorry." She whispers as she sits, hugging her bag to her chest. I take note of her bouncing leg and eyes that scan the area around us for danger. Fuck.

"You didn't do anything silly." I remind her and she shrugs.

"Um...so hi, how are you?" She asks.

"I'm good, how are you?" I return.

See You Later ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now