7 ~ Lyrics

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The next week drags on and on as classes start to get more interesting. It's a lot of taking notes and listening to boring professors but I managed to reserve a music room in Kimmel Hall for Friday afternoon so I can work on some music.

Lizzie entertains me in our classes together thankfully. We started this challenge where one person draws one line and the next person has to add another line onto the doodle until it actually looks like something. Sometimes we end up creating something we both were thinking about but we end up giggling about the failed attempts where I was going for a butterfly and she was going for an angel.

Her acting classes take up a lot of her time but I get to see her in our classes together and we hang out in the park in the evenings once she gets out. She sent me a text this morning before her Friday acting intensive started saying she wants to meet for bagels afterwards.

There's a few good bagel places around so I choose one and tell her the address before getting comfy in the park with my journal. I heard a bunch of students calling the park WaSquaPa and I can't figure out if I like it or not. I can't wait to tell Lizzie about it, I feel like she will think it's funny.

We already have assignments in our writing course and I'm dreading them. I like to write songs but I hate writing papers. Our Music and Journalism history classes are also paper and project heavy so I can already feel the pain coming. I let my gaze wander around the park and my eyes settle on the big brick-like building that sits to the South East.

Bobst Library is an eyesore to say the least, but the inside of the building is gorgeous. The gold, black and white interior is nothing like the ugly red building on the outside. I would go hang out there but it's always crowded and it's nice outside. September in New York City is perfect weather even if it can be unpredictable sometimes.

My attention shifts abruptly when a body stands right in front of my eye line, forcing me to look up and take out my headphones. I pause the song on my iPod classic when I realize this girl I've never seen before is talking to me.

"Uh hi, sorry what?"I ask.

"Oh sorry I didn't realize you were listening to something. Uh, I'm Hannah, we have Music History together." She explains and I nod, not sure what that means to me.

"Uh, I just was wondering if you'd like to be study partners for this upcoming quiz. I'm a little nervous about it." She explains and slowly sits in the space next to me.

"Oh," I respond dumbly, my mind wandering to Lizzie, who I planned to be my study buddy. "I have this friend that I was going to study with but I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you join in." I offer. Lizzie is really nice, she won't mind.

"Cool, how about Sunday afternoon? Bobst?" She asks and I nod.

"Oh, I'm Y/N by the way." I introduce, realizing I didn't tell her my name.

"I know, nice to formally meet you Y/N. See you Sunday." She waves and walks away towards the ugly eyesore building filled with students.

"Who was that?" I hear the velvety voice of my friend to my right.

"Hannah, she's in our Music History class I guess." I shrug and she hums in thought. She sighs and sits next to me, leaning over to rest her head on my shoulder.

"I'm exhausted." She whispers and I frown.

"Do you want to move our bagel date and go home instead?" I ask.

"Hell no. I need a bagel." She makes it clear and I giggle at how serious she said it.

"Then let's go grumpy." I tease. She sighs again and sits upright before standing. "Oh, Hannah asked if we wanted to study with her on Sunday for our quiz on Tuesday." I remember and she looks over to me, her nose scrunched in disgust. Oh, maybe I should have asked first.

See You Later ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now